Chaos and Citadelization

This word chaos has infiltrated into branches of science, magic, arts, music, mythology and literature.  We have enough vectors to state that chaos in any expression is that of anti-order.  And if order is the tool of the patriarchy then chaos is in the realm of the matriarchy and the deepest feminine. Today, we will explore this idea of chaos being the feminine counterpoint to masculine order and their child being a citadel.

The most perfect and most common shape in the universe is the sphere.  The sphere is the balance point between internal expansion and external compression from soap bubbles to a planet.  Without this dynamic partnership there would be implosion or explosion.  We put black holes in the category of the feminine, too implosive.  And we put stars into the category of the masculine, too explosive.  Yet they are both still spherical, still a citadel unto themselves just using different strategies to remain separate locally yet connected cosmically.

We humans, as microcosms of the universe, have regular cycles of awake and asleep that extend our masculine and feminine sides into order and chaos.  Since we are “caught in time” it seems we bounce back and forth between day and night but outside of time these are just the two counterpoints of implosion and explosion creating the sphere we call ourselves, our life, our citadel.

If we can expand our consciousness to include both extremes of the droning mind control programming we are bombarded with thru programmed light and, on the other pole, the complete loss of control during our dreamtime to the point of confusion, mystery and wonder then perhaps we can begin to see our whole existence as these counterbalancing masculine and feminine forces expanding and compressing us into a spherical citadel.  Mastery of life is contained in this balanced harmonization of implosion and explosion, masculine and feminine.

There must be a third polarity, life, that is neither positive nor negative that expands or contracts based upon the resilience of the citadel to maintain the core self.  The young child is essentially androgynous, the perfect blend of father and mother.  The neutron has no charge like the positive proton or the negative electron but is the glue holding both in orbit.  Life is the child of memory and sensation.

How does this all apply to our day today or our night tonight?  Our United States is fully in a healing crisis brought on by order and chaos being in conflict with each other.  So many systems of order are obviously broken and the chaos of our deepest nightmare, civil war, is bursting forth into the waking state.  We have an excessive love/hate relationship with those leading us that models the father and mother fighting over the child’s love and attention.  Unsustainable benefits and unsustainable secrecy are the feminine and the masculine offering their unsustainable strategies.

Now, I understand how upsetting it is for any child to be seduced and fought over by their parentage.  It breaks many lives to carry the disharmony between mother and father in their citadel of self.  But we must see and feel these excessive pressures of expansion and implosion as simply cosmic forces shaping our spherical citadel.  Humans can taste the feeling of being too much in the sun and too much in the black hole.  Neither is advisable nor sustainable.  They are our teachers, our parents, our initiators.  Our job as humans is to show up everyday and every night to expand the size of our spherical citadel of life force into willpower, self and soul.

So I titled this post in honor of chaos and left out order.  Why? The old order is dead.  The empire we built in the 20th century is killing us.  Chaos will have to have her way to break apart the systems that once were our refuge.  Don’t freak out.  This is the natural order of things.

We have many examples of how a necessary reboot has been hijacked by an order exploiting the chaos.  “Never let a crisis go to waste.”  People let chaos run wild and end up getting shame herded into a “new” order that keeps the same power structure.  My invitation is to allow ourselves to be the “black hole” that turns every memory back into pure sensation.  Then the instinctual human firmware, the conscience, at the heart of every human can fully reboot.

This type of core reboot must fully unleash chaos upon the old order.  What is true, just and beautiful will always survive, Momma says so, over and over again.  Our job is to tend our own citadel and “get down on my knees and pray, we don’t get fooled again.”


Cosmonomic Defense


Bioadministration World Order III