Cosmonomic Defense

One of the hardest reconciliations into a win-win outcome is in the domain of human conflict.  We are hard wired to both survive and to suffer terrible pain for the consequences of our actions. We lionize those humans that sacrifice their lives for the defense of principals greater than their own self interest.  This is a step forward in the process of reconciliation to win-win but this principal we are willing to die for generally is built upon a propaganda campaign of my tribe is better than yours or my life is better than yours.

Is there an end state of true reconciliation where we will suffer and defend our own lives, our family’s and our tribe’s while not using the demonization of the apparent threat to justify war and killing?  There are a small percentage of psychopathic humans that act like predatory animals and they can become very successful preying upon their fellow humans.  There are many humans that emulate the Christ principal of “turning the other cheek” and suffering outrageous assault on their being.  These polarities of archetypical representatives of good and evil are maintaining the cosmonomic milking machine within humanity but neither path leads to win-win.

How would an enlightened culture design their conflict resolution?  Is the peaceful warrior an attainable gold standard?  To answer these questions with any serious solutions requires us to review the true purpose of human conflict for the cosmos.  For if we can give the greater being we live inside what it needs from human conflict, peacefully, then we empower humanity.  To strive for the gold standard of conflict resolution, a win-win for both parties, we must start with knowing the win-win state between humans and the cosmos.

The drama of human life in the state of divided consciousness is the perfect mechanism for the storage of potential energy within the memorized sensations we humans carry around as judgements, dogmas, egos, personalities, scar tissue, chronic tension and disease.  The human mind, heart, body complex is the perfectly designed vehicle for the creation, storage and release of a potential energy that is most easily seen in the play of young children.  Where children immediately reconcile and express their feelings, we adults are the tough outer layers that shield and buffer humanity from the cosmos with our deeply held memorized sensations.

The cosmonomic theory states we humans provide a kind of energetic shield around a greater being we live inside we call the cosmos.  Like the rising of anger in our heart or a histamine response that makes us flush with blood, this greater life has its own defense mechanisms that require the capacity to respond in defense of our common life, with force and willpower.  We humans provide bursts of this current of life energy that to a human looks like a war, natural disaster or pandemic.  Having a more peaceful strategy for how to provide the reconciling force that human crisis releases is the way forward to win-win homeostasis between humanity and the cosmos.

Some cultures have allowed a priest class to arbitrate between man and God that forced reconciliation through ritual sacrifice usually involving blood.  Other cultures knew that keeping their own body and tribe free of trapped contradictions made themselves a less juicy target for forced reconciliation by making use of periodic ritual cleansing through ceremonial release aided by plant medicines or ritual suffering and release.  Be as children in your heart.

These are infinitely better systems of response to cosmic request than a trillion dollar+ defense and national security budget as the most unconscious representation of blood sacrifice and forced reconciliation.  Or a medical “care” complex that eats up 20% of our economy and that literally promotes disease and leads humans to death in a completely disempowered and compromised state of ritual sacrifice.

True cosmonomic defense in a golden age will start with a remembrance within humanity of our cosmic purpose, literally to experience, feel and radiate the state of ecstatic wonder that is the true natural state of man as seen in our innocent children.  Living as close to zero point as possible and knowing that when we die we are potentially humanity’s superhero and saint in the zero point’s doorway to Eternity. Producing the “background radiation” of ecstatic joy of the feeling of life to our greater cosmic body is the greatest win-win defense we can provide and therefore render obsolete war, pandemic and natural disaster.

Harmony is a weapon of war to prevent the need for war.  Love is more powerful than a gun but banning guns is not the way to love or power.  Make guns and war the last resort but never give up the knowledge that every human action has but one eventual outcome, the zero point.

Come easy or come hard.  The win-win of man and God is guaranteed  In fact, cosmonomic defense is the only game in town.


The Rules of the Game


Chaos and Citadelization