The Rules of the Game

All science, philosophy, economics, politics and religion are attempts to codify the rules of this game called life on Earth.  From the physical sciences grounded in observation to metaphysics of wild speculation still the drive is to codify our existence in order to gain some level of control over the mystery that life is.

We know there is an objective truth and an internal order at life’s foundation.  We can see fractal patterns all over nature, we have our deeply imbedded instinct/conscience and all of us have peak experiences of tapping into a transcendent state of peace and perfect knowledge even if it takes a NDE (near death experience) to trigger this awakening.  At the same time there is something also trying to confuse us and put us to sleep.  Life ranges from perfect symmetry and transcendent wonder to chaotic terror and horrific stupidity.

Today, we will explore the possibility that the rules of the game are to break the rules to create a new game.  If you can. If the new game is only for you.  On the one hand we are given this three body vehicle of body, heart, mind that is inherently unstable but has tremendous ability to correct back to homeostasis. On the other hand we are living exposed to an entire universe’s light and being bombarded by cosmic rays and celestial influences we have no hope of fully assimilating without countless generations of suffering and death.

Who would design a game with so many rules and so few limitations? And why?  One answer is that we truly were made “in the image and likeness of God”.  Bioadministration states our being is a microcosm of the universe.  As above, so below.  God is everything and we each have our own teaspoon of the eternal everything.  We each have the ability to understand and transcend every limit.  And we are also exposed to every explosive excess of misunderstanding and weighed down by every gravitational cosmic limitation.  In short. The simplest solution to this dilemma we find ourselves in is we are very likely living in a game called, be God or die trying.

When I was first presented with the idea of boadministration and the organization of humanity into one organism, I was both ecstatic and horrified.  It made perfect sense and repulsed me at the same time.  It is those moments of initiation where we are tapping into the three body checks and balances that keep every level of the universe alive.  Being alive is this Tao of static and dynamic, routine and change, attraction and repulsion that has no answer.  No end state. “The Tao that can be spoken is not the Tao”.

Who can know what being a teaspoon of God is?  And yet look at all the test equipment in mind, heart and body each of us is endowed with.  Our dopamine circuit is like feeding a test rat in a maze being rewarded when one makes a new discovery.  As a species, we are obsessed with eschatology because we all know there is a transcendent block of cheese at the center of the maze we are programmed to find.

That block of cheese for me has been my own search for God.  I have jumped one level up and have seen the three body problem/solution of life as bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization.  Humanity must play by the rules of these three games just like our own being has (potentially) found a reconciled, yet individual homeostasis surrounded by billions of other cells in the body of God.

Many people start the spiritual journey as a solo act. I did.  Eventually you are faced with the fact that the ultimate solo act is named the Devil, El Diablo, the divider.  He or she or it has one note of a three part harmony.  Then you attempt to love everyone like Christ. And fail. Left, right and center must all line up together.  That is the ultimate rule of this game called life.

Be the Devil. Be the Christ. And be both together as One.  Or else some other cell of God on this planet Earth will play it for you. And the dance never ends. If there is one rule. Don’t stop the dance our you will be kicked out of the game.  You must choose which one of those choices is winning and which is losing.


Legitimate Authority III


Cosmonomic Defense