Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Chaos and Citadelization

This word chaos has infiltrated into branches of science, magic, arts, music, mythology and literature.  We have enough vectors to state that chaos in any expression is that of anti-order.  And if order is the tool of the patriarchy then chaos is in the realm of the matriarchy and the deepest feminine. Today, we will explore this idea of chaos being the feminine counterpoint to masculine order and their child being a citadel.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Order and Chaos

The subject of order and chaos has always been interesting to me. Maybe it’s my German blood. Our blood history ranging from barbarians to Nazis must mean there is some bipolar disorder or… child-like “people of the forest” we are susceptible to expressions of order and chaos which serve to hold a mirror up to the human family like the outbursts of our own children often do. Our children are the perfect bio-feedback mechanism, if, we are paying attention.

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