Order and Chaos

The subject of order and chaos has always been interesting to me.  Maybe it’s my German blood.  Our blood history ranging from barbarians to Nazis must mean there is some bipolar disorder or…..as child-like “people of the forest” we are susceptible to expressions of order and chaos which serve to hold a mirror up to the human family like the outbursts of our own children often do.  Our children are the perfect bio-feedback mechanism, if, we are paying attention.

Whether truth or justification, I have loved exploring the boundaries of our reality here on Earth as humans.  Some questions have driven, perhaps haunted, me. Is this all happenstance?  Is it a game to be won or lost?  Is there intelligent design?  What I can say and I hope to express in this blog post is this. What we have named order and chaos are border zones which are nearly inviolable.  They are opposite extremes and are created boundaries which were designed to repel us back into the middle where life exists. They also serve as a sort of a forcefield around humanity from being penetrated by inhumanity.

Order and chaos have analogous descriptors like heaven (extreme order) and hell (extreme chaos).  And on the outside of these two boundary layers, preventing entry, lies the inhumanity on both ends of the spectrum called the alien and the animal. That is not to say that the alien and the animal never sneak in…or are never let in with purpose.  But we humans seem to be in some type of closed system.  Is that for our protection? Is it for our limitation?  is it to not spoil an experiment?  Or all of the above?

Is it any wonder that those humans who are considered geniuses in mind ride the borders of insanity.  Or that those humans who excel physically are rigorously ordered and also riding the borders of extreme pain?  These border zones are not necessarily taboo, but they do tend to put “too much leaven in the bread” for the casual human life. They both draw us in and spit us out. 

If we apply our core principal of as above, so below what does cosmonomics say about the Sun (order) and of space (chaos)?  The Sun is the home of what we call memory and, like Heaven, forces all partial truths to conform the the One truth. Try arguing. You will lose.  Every memorized sensation we humans create on Earth is a vessel for our feeling about that experience and floats through space like a tiny plankton the whale of our Sun scoops up and uses for the spice in its plasma nourishment.  Our Sun’s light is humanity’s perfect biofeedback system, if, we expose ourselves to it.

Down in the center of the Earth, void of light and its memory, is the home of the opposing boundary.  What we call and feel as chaos is extreme sensation with no memory.  Energy without direction.  Like an extremely indulgent parent, or an extremely curious Scientist that gives their children a daily allowance with little supervision, we humans carry our impressions of life into sleep to be harvested, enjoyed and/or studied.  In return, we get free sensations from the center of the earth, we call anti-gravity and the Chinese call chi. 

Round and round we go through day and night between order and chaos being filled and drained of sensations and memories.  Not a bad gig, but to what purpose?  That’s God’s gig.  Go ask for yourself.  I, for one, feel loved, protected, fed and encouraged whenever I step out of overly identifying with my own or humanity’s drama.  Free will and karma are my catnip and my personal trainer.

I once got to visit, not by my choice, the “Office” where all the little bits and pieces of human error were contained within a Vessel of order.  I was given a personal message and then for the smallest fraction of a second I got to feel in my body what it takes to give humanity the extreme privilege and incredible opportunity of free will.  OMG.  Ever since I have followed the path of immediate karma and devotion to Life on Earth.  

Order and chaos are humanity’s parents.  We are on a family holiday to a famous destination.  We can’t get out of the car but there’s lots of windows and games and playmates.  Enjoy the ride. Learn what you can. It’s okay to want to drive someday.


Cosmonomics New World Order


Third Force Victory