Third Force Victory

If I forced myself to distill an answer to the perennial question “Why are we here?” I would have to answer “I can only know why I am here?”  It’s a personal journey of knowing thyself.  And it’s a journey with many way stations I call “my perfect delusion”.  I know there’s more to know but at the same time I cannot disprove what I know with what I know.  Therefore, I disclaim ever being objectively “right’” and I always claim to be speaking from my perfect delusion.  If more scientists remembered that knowing is a journey, not a place, then we would all get wherever sooner.

My personal journey has led me to the perfect delusion that I am laying the foundation stones of a new civilization.  There I said it.  Crucify me now.  Set me free from the cross I bare.  Not.  I said civilization, not a religion. I do love soul collectors, but only as breakfast. No, I wake up every morning to write something in my blog with joy in my heart because I have already won my great victory.  I am  objectively free, not Western civilization’s freedom.  Except, I am still attached to my joy filled desire to leave a trail of bread crumbs for my brothers and my sisters.  Whoever follows, know this, “I am a happy warrior” because I understand the third force.

At one point in my life I was a traveling ayahuascero (look it up).  At another time I was the Navigator and general quarters Officer of the Deck on a guided missile destroyer policing the world’s oceans.  I have always gravitated to being in the hot seat at the center of the action.  Why? To be as close to the third force as possible.  Like the big banks and the hedge funds that sit at the window of the Federal Reserve to soak up the zero interest freely created money (debt without paying interest is free money) to buy up the world and rent it back to us, I sit as close as I can to the wellspring of third force to fill my own being with as much life force as possible.  And because I have already won my own victory within my own heart, I serve Life.  Life gives, soul collectors rent.

Third force Is the technology and the substance of potential.  A dyad is a squirrel cage that goes round and round getting nowhere.  The third force, whether coming through the Devil to divide or the Christ to reconcile, is the potential to change a stuck pattern and the litmus test of being alive.  Life is the ability to change.  What we have named the Devil and the Christ are the gatekeepers of the sacred storehouse of the potential to change warehoused in the human body, heart and mind.  The third force lives as potential energy inside us .  El Diablo, the divider, creates potential by wounding us, separating us from God.  Christ heals the wound and, by re-membering God, releases the potential to change Eternity.

I learned sometime ago  “He who forgives first, always wins”.  Division creates potential, reconciliation harvests the potential and the early bird catches the worm. It is also said “If you let a banker write a check, he will end up owning the world”.  The money men have made their own world from dividing zero into equal negatives and positives, which still add up to nothing.  The Devil has magic too.  I used to play his game, even was on his team in my youth.  In God’s world, everyone serves.  It’s a closed system.  But for me, being a divider, the feeling of victory never lasted very long or tasted sweet.  There’s too much unhealthy competition among the devils and I knew I must be on another team.  But the “meek” just did not call me.  Still doesn’t.

That’s the danger of writing any of this down in words.  Meanings change.  Once I found my own way to third force victory, I can read the Sermon on the Mount and understand the call.  Standing in the vortex at the doorway to this creation cannot be described in words, only experienced.  And for most humans the feeling of transcendent ecstatic harmony is only experienced for a few moments while passing through the doorway into death.  Then it’s even harder to describe because there are no more words to be spoken.  

For reasons that will remain between myself and God,  I love life so much God figured I could sail around right outside the doorway between life and death within the high amperage current of the third force.  Without many words, I was shown Eternity and my place in it.  Correction. I saw my own perfect delusion of how God’s world is organized and what a human who wanted to serve could do that would matter.  Bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization is simply a step for humanity to stand upon for a while and then abandon.

Every creation of man eventually becomes its own opposite to launch the next age from the oppression of its own ignorance.  My own creation will some day be the step to be left behind too.  But today, the beauty that launched western civilization has become ugly.  I was actually born on the Fourth of July and today I question where the worship of freedom has left us.  I speak out to save the beauty of a dying ethos even though it is suffocating our world and needs to die.  It is time to honor and then bury the past as an important step on our journey.  And one day I pray my words will be eclipsed by some future human who honors and then buries my perfect delusion. Until then there is no life without the third force.  And victory, for an age, lies on this path.


Order and Chaos


Citadelization of the Brain