Citadelization of the Brain

Today’s topic is designed to reveal how important and widespread the concept and strategy of citadelization is as applied throughout our body and to our greater external reality. Even within our brains.  It is said we only use 10% of our brain’s capacity.  What is the other 90% doing? It’s interesting that our best science also says 90% of our DNA is ‘junk’  or unused and 90% of our universe’s mass is claimed to be ‘dark’ matter we cannot find.  So, if I am attacked for my conclusion of what’s happening in the unexplained or unexplored 90% of our gray matter, then remember my theorizing is in Nobel laureate company but without the billions in funding.

With bioadministration, we always have a starting place using the analytical tool: as above, so below.  And so we can look at different levels of the brain, first, before we go into dissecting our own brain. Does humanity have a brain? Does Earth?  And we can look deeper into the cellular level.  Does each cell have a brain? The answer must be, yes, if only because the human has a brain and therefore so must each level. Let’s look for proof.  

Dr. Bruce Lipton has proven the brain of a human cell actually resides in the sensitive cell wall, not the nucleus.  The DNA in the nucleus is like the library, not the reader.  The cell wall is the individualized boundary layer between self and non-self even deep inside a completely integrated organism we call a human. Trillions of independent brains. Talk about citadelization!

Now let’s look above us in scope and size. Earth.  First, I will state unequivocally Earth is a living being.  What we call, life, is only possible because of the chi, the life force radiating from the center of the Earth.  Similarly, the mitochondria in the center of each cell burns sugar to create ‘light’ which vibrates and radiates throughout the cell via a neural network of strings connecting the nucleus to cell wall making it alive. In cosmonomics, the name for Earth’s life force radiating out from the center is called anti-gravity as in the force which allows us to oppose gravity, immobility and death. 

What is the most external manifestation of the the body of Earth?  The biosphere.  Where humans live.  We live on the surface of a greater living organism traveling though space exposed to the cosmos and obviously reactive to the energies we are being bombarded with. Humanity has established an electrified atmosphere filled with information akin to the central nervous system’s electrical signaling system we know as life. Humanity acts as the sensitive boundary layer for Earth just like the cell wall of our own trillions of cells to sense and to protect between self and non-self for the Earth itself.  We humans are Earth’s ‘brain’.  

So now we have a triangulation of brain function at three different levels of human life.  We have trillions of brains in our cells making independent decisions at the cell wall level protecting against the entry of viruses.  We have our own center of mental activity within the gray matter inside our skull which is highly compartmentalized for function and is slow to consider alien ideas. And we have humanity on the surface of a living planet going through the day and night ritual 365 times a year collecting information in the day and carrying it into the deepest darkness of consciousness in sleep. Is our Earth using citadelization among humanity as a gatekeeper against intrusion?  Are we humans a confusing mess on purpose?

First, remember the brain is not the mind. The brain is physical matter. Analog. The mind is digital, electrical and non-local.  Brains at all levels, including humanity, act like filters to restrict the flow from outside to inside. At the same time, mind is unlimited by gravity, time or space and often goes on strange and fanciful flights. The brain informs and defends while the mind is always deeply imbedded in the whole organism non-locally, meaning deeper and higher. Think of the unexplained 90%. And what is at the core of the defensive strategy at all levels of the brain? Citadelization.  Imagine an alien invasion.  There’s no way to invade physically.  The human body is perfectly adapted to the Earth’s biosphere.  No possible successful invasion, physically.  But what about mentally? 

An old friend of mine, Terrence McKenna used to say “the internet was going to be the landing pad for the alien invasion”.  There’s no doubt the digital mind of humanity and of Earth are being downloaded and externalized for mass viewing…and for invading.  Perhaps Earth goes through an awake and asleep cycle too.  Learning and assimilating.  Advanced civilizations and ice ages.  Once Earth is tired of surfing the cosmic internet, is fully absorbed of alien input and then our planet goes to sleep to make it all a part of Self.  This process, if true, must control the brain and biosphere of Earth, especially humans.

So we have a curious mind wanting to explore the universe and it has a bodyguard called the brain making it hard for information to easily flow into the mind.  We humans tend to judge ourselves too harshly for our inability to break down the citadels between cultures, religions, civilizations. Perhaps the divisions, the confusions and the sometimes battle lines within humanity are a defensive strategy which our own brains emulate to make ‘invasion’ by ‘alien’ ideas harder to accomplish.  

In conclusion for today, let’s not be too open or susceptible to the organization of humanity’s differences, even via bioadministration.  Complexity and confusion aided by citadelization can be a defensive strategy on the surface while the deeper mind rests at peace.  But as we mature and become stronger, the harmony and resilience that comes from deep within of knowing thyself is the ultimate defense.  Those filters of citadelization in the brain are there to keep the infinite void at bay while our deeper minds are being trained, organized and pressure tested into a vessel that can someday sail into the Infinite when we lose these physical bodies. 

Even then, no matter what level of being we achieve, to be ‘a life’, there must always be a separation between yes and no with a permission structure we call citadelization. Our brain is an individualized labyrinth to test new ideas before they are allowed to enter mind.  The barrier between self and non-self we call our brain is purposely complicated and confused until it is organized into the sharpened and hardened tool thru experience.  Surfing the internet, cosmic or terrestrial is a mechanism by which our 10% brain/90% mind moves the goalposts of our individual being. It’s called knowing thyself, mission number one of citadelization.


Third Force Victory


Bioadministration Theory of Attention III