Bioadministration Theory of Attention III

Bioadministration Theory of Attention III

In part I, we became awake to the war for our attention and a method for recapturing our lost attention.  In part II we explored a strategy for flexing our power and control over our attention on a systemic basis by a fundamental reordering of our mind and our government by the principles of bioadministration.  In part III, we will discuss a roadmap for the personal journey to sovereignty and the true nature of the literal demons standing in our way.

Yes, I said demons.  Yes, to “get” your attention.  I could have used the word thought-form or endless loop or spiritual test.  All are correct with limit, but none focus the mind like invoking demons.  That is because past users and abusers of the word demon have overlaid layers of emotion, like fear. If you can see them as they really are, you will see demons as your closest allies in the cosmic order.

The classic story to correctly name our demons is that of shamanic initiation.  This process is designed to test the would be healer to see if they can master their own wounds and the collective wounds of their tribe.  First, through some sort of pain or special plant or snake venom, the shamanic candidate is forced out of their physical body.  Their spirit body, and their consciousness, travels deep into the underworld we will call “the bowels of the earth”.  The realm of the demons.  The spirit body is literally dismembered into pieces so each demon can get to their individually assigned “bones of contention”. 

Every unresolved issue of our life, and that of our tribe, has its own personal demon assigned to deliver pain (read: intensely condensed sensation, or, super attention).  Remember, an endless loop of mental division, unresolved hurt and muscle contraction is trapped life force in potential.  Cosmonomics demands cataloging and access to the storehouse of potential energy on an extremely personal basis.  Enter your own personal demons. The first step to potentiating our wounds for reconciliation is to wake them up from their squirrel cage with a demonic intervention usually via pain. 

Back to our potential tribal healer laying in pieces on the floor of the bowels of the underworld.  The consciousness of the candidate is hopefully still in one piece while suffering the indescribable pain of all one’s personal demons, or those of the entire tribes, chewing deliciously upon your every “sin” all at once.  The test being administered by the demons is essentially the same as that of a white blood cell wresting with a brand new invader inside the body.  You must know your enemy by becoming one with it while not losing yourself.  The demon is the dis-ease. To have the power to heal any disease involves “knowing” the disease as your teacher.

Every challenge we face in life is our teacher.  Every time one of our personally assigned demons comes a calling the entire universe is rooting for you to get the lesson and set yourself free.  And, therefore, set the demon free too.  The shaman-to-be must find the absolute core wound of every disease all at once.  The King of the Demons.  Our core wound around which all others orbit.  If we can heal that, we become free.  The pain stops.  The faces of the demons become a choir of angels celebrating that a piece of God is re-membered.  That is the demon’s duty and salvation.

You want to be master of your attention.  Face your demons.  Face the repetitive patterns in your mind, your heart and your body whether in food, sex, drama, prejudice, etc., etc.  HEAL THYSELF.  And set the universe free by an intensely personal act.  What are the rewards?

Free attention in the mind allows an opening to what has been called the collective consciousness, or today, we might call it the cosmic internet.  Free attention in your body means individual cells can speak and give feedback and get what they need on an individual basis instead of masses of lost cells (cancerous tumors) conspiring to take down the evil king that never listened.  Free attention in the heart allows us to clear the demons/gatekeepers who block our access to our true cosmic power and purpose—the power to transmute any dis-ease back into health and harmony. 

I will be leaving the focus upon attention in the next blog post on bioadministration.  But you should never fully as we need free attention to assimilate anything new. What I have described in I, II and now III is the distillation of my own spiritual journey to recover my sovereign attention. My journey was shaped and guided by the breadcrumbs of previous travelers and seduced by a conspiring universe who is always calling out from the center of everything and saying ‘come home’.

As much as I have wrapped the power of organizing humanity via bioadministration within cosmonomics and citadelization, and now, by the Theory of Attention series, the mind is easily invaded, by design.  We humans are designed to be open to “infection” because everything is, or once was, God.  Therefore, there are filters but no hard boundaries.  Humanity is the universe’s plan for the redemption of spirit and matter back into God….when we can handle this huge task with grace and ease.  A long time from now.  

Step one is the wake up to the power of mastering our own attention.  Delivered.


Citadelization of the Brain


Bioadministration Theory of Attention II