Bioadministration Theory of Attention II

Bioadministration Theory of Attention II

I can sense my readers of my last post on Bioadministration Theory of Attention are feeling tricked.  Bioadministration is supposed to be about the mind. Yet, I ended with what is essentially a meditation centered in the heart and invited your attention to live and act from your heart.  If you listened and did it right, I probably started a little conflict within.  Do the little bugs in your gut give in on the first day of a fast? Or, do they turn on their screaming? Remember to them its life or death.  The freeloaders in your mind are no different.  They just feel more familiar because they never shut up.  At least, your gut biome shuts up between feedings.

The exercise of putting your attention in your heart is a way of starving our repetitive thought forms in the mind of their food source.  Any rational prescription for our collective mind, our government, starts with the same tactic.  Withdraw your attention.  Un-concentrate your life force from the incessant chatter of the latest controversy which, by its very purpose and design is to attract your attention.

Remember those kids at school who loved to grab everyone’s attention too often. At first, they can be funny, the acting out.  But it quickly grows predictable, tiring.  With our own minds and our own government we have allowed them to be populated by those type of people and by those thoughts that, by design, are irresolvable.  The hamster cage.  That’s how they stay fed with no personal effort once they have you enrolled in their program with the wheel spinning.

What is our defense mechanism? Sleep. Revolution.  One is so easy.  The other so messy.  Can we learn how to put our government to sleep from our own body’s wisdom?  That’s what you came for.  Part I was just to wake you up to the challenge, namely, to recover sovereignty over your own attention.  Part II is an invitation to work a little white magic (taking control) on what is haunting our internal mind and our government.  Same methods and principles work whatever level of human organization.

When we lay down at night, depending on the intensity of the day and the issues we are facing in the morning, sleep is the withdrawing of attention from our minds.  The life force each individual cell has been donating to the collective experience of life is withdrawn.  The endless loops of unresolved issues, past or future, are grounded out at least until morning.  To attempt to do the same thing to our current governments looks more like hitting ourselves in the head with a 2X4 to put our collective mind to sleep.  

Let’s face it.  We have an unnatural governmental system perfectly designed to never give up sucking our attention into its black hole of drama whose character actors are those pretentious kids we were so tired of at school. Authoritarian governments are the bullies that just take our lunch while democracies create ‘issues’ their handlers already know how they are going to solve. Why would I, or any sane person, attempting to design a new code for humanity say a word about the form of government without dealing with the 800-pound gorilla in the room.  Our government and its bureaucracy is a zombie we cannot kill lurking around every corner of our lives wanting to infect us with its disease.  In the movies, yea, a 2X4 may seem like a good option. Or a shotgun.  I invite you to a better system of living. Not the zombie apocalypse.

So we don’t kill it.  We withdraw our attention. We put it to sleep. First, in part I, we must become master of our own attention.   Step two. Withdraw attention from the mind.  Turn out the lights. No loud music or TV.  Take a hot bath (reactivate sensation in the body).  Think fasting. Like starving the bad bacteria in your gut, we starve out the thought-forms in the mind and we stop the hamster wheels we have forgotten how they ever got started.


We sleep eight hours out of 24.  So all functions of government shut down every third year.  No new laws or regulations.  Any functions which cannot be shut down i.e. health care, emergency services must be completely decentralized and locally or self-funded. Our heart still beats and our lungs still breathe and many other functions are safely tucked away from the conscious mind.

Even core programs used while awake like balancing and walking and even driving a car with a manual transmission, once mastered, are kept away from the conscious mind.  Ever ‘think’ about walking down a flight of stairs quickly?  That part of our mind will only screw it up because the body itself works at a much greater clock speed and as a single unit of elegant fluidity. Most of life is letting the body do what it already knows how to do without the conscious mind getting in the way except as an observer and a cataloguer of experience and a color commentator. Major decisions and choices must involve the heart and the body as well as the mind.

Now, imagine our world where our government was truly our personal assistant helping us to organize and navigate the outside world but went home at night to leave us at peace to attend to our hearts and bodies care and health. Just the process of preparing to put Washington to sleep for a year will reorder much.  And, when we wake up our collective mind after the first good nights sleep, our own personal sovereignty will be restored to a very deep level.  The old stories and seductions that will no longer work are those thought forms who were living rent free in our mind and eating all our precious attention for their benefit.  Free attention will be truly available to really solve humanity’s persistent challenges.

So yes bioadministration will get to the exploration of individuation of human cells into specific functions. But first, we must wrestle with our real demons or bioadministration will just better organize our slavery. After attention, the next phase of discovery within bioadminsitration will involve energy and currency.  Perhaps an essay. But we started with attention because it is the senior currency even if non-physical or easily measurable. Attention is not like the food of emotions. Free attention is ours to command like money sitting in the bank and nothing spends in the human world and the spirit world like attention.


Bioadministration Theory of Attention III


Bioadministration Theory of Attention