Bioadministration Theory of Attention

Bioadministration Theory of Attention

When someone first encounters the idea of using the human body as a blueprint for human organization, it is natural to focus on the over two hundred different types of unique human cells which contain all the body’s functions.  Who’s the plumber? Who’s the policeman? Who’s the president?  That is a little like anthropomorphizing God by making him a grey-haired old man.  Letting what we can describe attempt to contain what is ineffable happens.  Common mistake.

One way to anti-dote early onset of codification which, means limitation and therefore lost potential, is to start with the biggest mysteries in order to expand the landscape to allow for the true wonder that is a human to be revealed…and eventually codified.  This is going to be a very long journey and how we start it is very important.  First, we will surveil the foundations and even the language we use to describe those foundations to each other.  One word which lies at the heart of everything and is skipped over by nearly everyone is the word attention.

You are “paying attention” to read and understand these words. But like a fish who swims in water their whole life without questioning or even observing the medium which allows them to float and to move by a flick of their tail, we humans too often assume attention is a given without quantity or quality.  Yet, in reality, attention is like a muscle which should be exercised to expand and deepen and command.  Attention is the currency of life.  Without attention, willpower is a dumb animal. And the foundation of any worthwhile spiritual practice is the taming of the “wild horse” that is the mind which spends our precious and limited attention like a drunken sailor.

Bioadministration’s simplest definition of attention is condensed or consolidated life force.  Condensed or consolidated is easy to understand.  Life force is less so.  The Chinese have been working with the idea of chi or life force for millennia while western medicine doesn’t even acknowledge it’s existence.  Let’s blow up that limitation first. 

For most westerners, me included many years ago, our attention is a fixed point like a prisoner in a jail cell at the center of our brain from the time we wake up until the time we go to sleep.  Unless we hit our thumb with a hammer.  Or sneeze.  Or in the middle of an orgasm.  Or vomiting.  Or a bull is charging us. For most of us, it takes pleasure or pain, illness or terror for our attention to temporarily escape the prison of the mind.  In case you have missed it, this is where the scientific method and the ‘Enlightenment’ has led us.  Like a desiccated stalk of wheat ready for harvest,  we have stuffed every bit of our life force into the seed, our memory bank, leaving the rest of the plant to wither and die.

Bioadministration and cosmonomics meet in many areas and attention is one of the most important.  If you do not want to have your condensed life force constantly harvested like a ripe stalk of wheat by every passing unseen thought-form in the cosmos, then listen up.  The purpose of concentrating life force is to assemble the power to think, to feel, to change and to heal.  And every assembly of power makes light (consciousness) and attracts bugs.  Bioadministration must start with the management and use of attention or I will be sinning by “casting pearls before swine”.  You are not the swine.  The jailers of your attention in your mind are the swine.  Just like harmful bacteria that take up residence in your gut feel like Self when they call out to be fed, thought forms who have fed on your attention for years, maybe lifetimes, do not want you to recover the sovereignty of your mind that comes with bioadministration.

Since there is little chance for you to understand the foundation of bioadministration, not to mention the exquisite feeling of pure, unadulterated life radiating from every cell of your body, without recovery of your free attention, this is where we must start our journey of understanding.

If you learn nothing else from all my offerings,  please remember this.  The first journey is from the mind to the heart.  You might think the throne room of your body castle is in your mind.  No. Your throne of your own personal sovereignty is in your heart.  Visit it. Touch it.  Sit in it. Savor it.

When you have sovereignty over your own attention, you are on your own throne.  Then every idea in your head and every sensation in your gut is simply a courtier bringing information to the king to be accepted or banished.  One tradition calls this state ‘observer mind’.  The first steps from mind to heart start in the mind and a change, metanoia.  

Simply close your eyes and begin to watch the thoughts in your mind like a hunter observing its prey.  Separate your attention from the thoughts.  They are not you.  Keep your attention free to observe, not to be seduced into thinking the thought.  The thoughts will quickly run away like a scared deer,  as long as your attention is in the observer mind.  As soon as you lose control over your attention as observer then the thoughts come racing back to be fed. This is the first and hardest battle for your sovereign attention.  Don’t give up. It takes a lot of practice.

Once you get control of your attention move it from your mind down into the center of you heart and breathe.  This creates an energetic force field around your body like the aura around any powerful person, even if they are an egoistic movie star.  Find your own story and your own center.  Live from there. Not from the thoughts “if only” and “should I”.  I only walk with other Kings and Queens, even if they don’t know it…yet.  Sovereign attention is step one.


Bioadministration Theory of Attention II


Cosmonomics Food Chain