Cosmonomics Food Chain

Cosmonomics Food Chain

Of all the concepts being revealed from BCC Institute, right up there at the top for simplicity and social impact is this idea—humans are not at the top of the food chain.  We cannot ‘see’ the food we produce or the being(s) we are feeding. We currently have no religious organization which teaches us how this system works or any government which attempts to manage our being ‘milked’.  And yet nature demands a purpose and a passing on of the food we humans consume.  Our physical bodies may feed worms but our energy in life and death is a tasty treat upstream. For conscious humans, it demands our attention.

Now that our world is building a central nervous system called the internet and we are being seduced into ever-multiplying mental vortexes via programmed light I cannot in good conscience let my fellow humans continue to unconsciously feed the entire pantheon of spirits.  One reason I waited twenty years to go public with cosmonomics is I appreciate and generally follow God’s gift of innocence to His children. Looking back over my life, I am probably in a human body from being ‘spanked’ for telling God’s secrets among the other lessons I need to learn.

The second reason I have waited is because I needed my heart to be strong enough to pick this fight.  I followed a path that considered and asked the Devil to be my personal trainer.  All the spirits I take issue with who feed upon our human energy are subordinate and susceptible to the Devil….and any human heart who has passed His tests.  The energetic matrix of the healthy human heart free of fear was made senior within the spiritual realm by our Creator. 

To set the stage for our discussion of what we cannot ‘see’ with our eyes, it is helpful to use the As Above, So Below principle.  Our modern world has just entered the electronic realm in the last century by using millions of years of stored energy from past life. Oil.  Now imagine what happens when our own bodies are force-fed sugars like we are going to hibernate over winter, but never do.  Or we eat like we are at a kid’s birthday party at every meal.  How does our body respond?  What cannot be assimilated into fat, these sugars lead to a massive increase in gut bacteria to soak up the extra sugar and invariably we are feeding both ‘good’ bacteria and ‘bad’ bacteria, fungus, molds and cancers.

Now jump up a level to the unseen realm. All the intense mental and emotional energy humans are producing in our modern world are feeding spiritual forms of all frequencies. Now before you go imagining monsters, these spiritual ‘beings’ right outside the visible frequency are more like special purpose vehicles that resemble vortexes as a form of ‘body’.  Our Creator has a very high purpose for our energetic manifestations and is not going to let any go to waste. This is a natural response of a higher body acting exactly like our human body’s response to an abundance of food that exceeds its ability to assimilate. 

Now, what happens after a few months of overeating? We then have all these little ‘spirits’ living in our gut hooked into the lining of our gut, the foundation of our internal communication system, our central nervous system.  And when these bugs cry out ‘feed me or I will die’ they mean it.  This is why many spiritual practices involve seasonal fasting, like Lent in the spring.  These bugs in our gut can be reabsorbed into fully human life, meaning eaten, rather than us becoming so comfortable with their residence in our gut we can no longer distinguish between the voice of healthy hunger and unhealthy hunger.  Fasting is ‘facing our demons’  at the most basic level.

So with this understanding of our own internal energetic matrix, how would you rate the current state of our collective hearts and minds of humanity?  Can you imagine, post-Covid, unseen spirits we have been feeding for a long season who were created and fed by us collectively?  Do you believe maybe it is time for a fast to recover our humanity?  Can you see how our minds (government) have self-servingly used these voices in our heads as excuse to regulate, tax and spend our way back to harmony, when the only real solution is to harvest our own dis-ease by simply starving it out. With compassion.  It is innocent, as our own mis-creation.  

Human energy is the food of the gods of all shapes and sizes.  It is time for we humans to become conscious of what gods we are feeding.  Big God wins no matter what.  The game is rigged.  But we humans suffer terribly from the thought-forms and the pits of despair we have fed in ignorance.  The idea of karma is a closed loop of our own sins and mis-creations staring us in the mirror constantly revisiting, maybe for lifetimes, until we can face our own ‘shit’.  

Any delay in facing our own karma builds up energy in the psychic realm which spirits naturally gravitate towards to be fed.  We feed our own ‘demons’  and are ‘paying them’ to haunt us.  This happens on the inside to each human and on the outside in our society.  These ‘historic’ figures in our past, are humans who simply grabbed a hold of these energetic vortexes that were waiting to become events and lessons triggered by our own collective karma. God bless their souls for playing their part, but with a true understanding of cosmonomics we can turn the channel rather than be stuck on the soap opera station or the history channel.

The never-ending parade of preachers, heroes, politicians and government programs we are hoping will save us from our own creations is being haunted. Wars, famines, plagues and natural disasters is being possessed.  I, for one, am tired of the drama.  I have faced my demons.  I, like Neo, have gone inside the matrix and have re-emerged with cosmonomics to re-empower humanity.

I dislike sounding egotistical or heroic.  But frankly, I am picking a fight with the lesser gods of our own creation and I need allies.  Not sycophants.  So if I use a little sass to inspire my brothers and sisters who will never, ever give up on the beauty of Life, then so be it. I own it and I understand the consequences.  I am food. Maybe medicine.


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