The Liver as a Citadel within Bioadministration

The Liver as a Citadel within Bioadministration

Of all the cell types and cell groupings in the human body nothing compares to the mystery of the citadel called the liver.  Yes, the brain is a citadel and pretty cool too, if power hungry.  And so is the real function of our heart and its fine sensitivity.  But a single liver cell is the most sophisticated chemical factory that can produce over 500 chemical functions and transmutations and still fits inside the hollow of a single human hair. 

Our liver can create, replenish and store proteins, enzymes, vitamins and glucose.  It can breakdown excess proteins and enzymes as well as bilirubin and destroy petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals and other toxins.  It can produce and store excess blood and lymph fluids and bile for digestion.  This only touches the surface of the complexity and function of our liver.

Any honest medical researcher would admit the liver is inexpressibly complex and still beyond human understanding.

Our liver can suffer tremendous damage and is the only organ that can fully regenerate itself from as little as 25% of original mass. But take a single hepatocyte away from its cohort and it loses function and dies almost immediately. The liver will eventually inform our new model of human interaction called bioadministration with mountains of data, interactions and functions.  But what can these very capable cells teach us about our proposed counter balancing force called citadelization?  And are there examples of groupings of humans into an organization that resembles our liver?

Within spiritual traditions from around the world, there are many ways to describe them.  One way is to compare them to the human body.  In this way of description we can see the traditional three-fold right-handed path, the left-handed path and the Great Way (the center path) inside our own bodies.  

Let’s start with the left-handed path which generally seeks to find God by tasting and incorporating everything into one’s life. No taboos. A West World on steroids. The organ that represents the left-hand path is the spleen (left-side) and its macrophages.  In spiritual terms the spleen is a citadel called “the chapel perilous”.  Our spleen, in structure, is just a mass of individual tubes which splits up the blood flow to create thousands of gauntlets which every red blood cell, as well as anythings else flowing through our veins, must pass.  The gatekeepers that stand guard in each tubule are big badass white blood cells called macrophages (big eaters) and yes, they will eat you, eventually.  If your floating in the blood stream and you want to get back to the heart you must undergo an inspection to see if you are still serve life or have fallen into old age or serve death. The left-handed path is ruthless in separating life and death.

The center path, sometimes called the Great Way, is said to be easy for those that have ‘no preferences’.  Here your will is already surrendered to God at the human level and to the autonomic nervous system inside the body as represented by the vagus nerve (central path). This bundle of nerve pathways does more to tie the body together into one organization than any other nerve bundle.  It connects digestion, immune response, mood, heart rate and much more into the voice box and on to the brain.  New technologies use a person’s voice print to diagnosis almost any disease all the way down to dehydration and specific vitamin deficiencies.  And because the information highway that is the vagus nerve must carry whatever message is sent just as it is sent, there can be no ‘self’ left.  Just an observer of life from the center.

And now back to our main discussion, our liver, the seat of the right-handed path on the right side of our body, sometimes called the Communion of Saints.  If one word could describe this path it would be transmutation. From a chemical science standpoint what the liver does is seen as a chemical process.  But anyone with any sense of wonder would look at the sheer number of chemical combinations and say ‘no way’ can this be simple evolutionary chemistry up from primordial goo.  There must be something completely magical about the liver within the citadel when an individual cell ceases functioning as soon as it losses its communion of fellow saints.  

What does a saint do?  Their body, through prayer and meditation connecting everyday life with the Eternal, has become an instrument vibrating at a higher, more holistic frequency which can, through entrainment, reconnect other humans to health in mind, heart and body.  For example, a church is not a building, it is the vibration of harmony encoded into the matter of the building through praise and singing from human hearts in community.  It works the same for the human body. A body in harmony is literally singing a coherent melody. That coherent melody of the ‘peace that surpasses all understanding’ is not unique to one saint.  All saints are singing one song. Lose the song, lose the saint.

The song, the vibration a saint or the liver carries is only found, mastered and protected in community.  The church. The monastery. The ashram.  The liver…encounters the blood and by internal instinct the liver produces whatever the body needs in that moment to return to homeostasis. Without the citadel that is holding the health and harmony vibration in unison, the single liver cell loses its connection to the power of the citadel.  

A saint, not connected to something greater, ceases to be a saint by being overwhelmed in even normal and regular functions of life. But a communion of saints or liver cells can regenerate itself by encoding new cells as long as there is a core vibration which can be vibrated.

If I have offended my readers who are doctors, chemists or priests then consider the words of the scientist that did more to create the modern world than any other, Nicola Tesla. “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”  And a discrete essential energy, frequency and vibration that somebody long ago called ‘the liver’ requires a citadel to be itself and do its part within bioadministration.



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