Bioadministration Means Radical Transparency

Bioadministration Means Radical Transparency 

Do you think you will have secrets in Heaven?  Guess again. Secrets arise from limited consciousness.  One of the conditions on Earth that makes it bearable is that all our past mistakes are not advertised all over the world or with everyone we meet on day one. But our hiding is coming to an end with the internet and the digitization of nearly every event in our lives.

Our bodies are the proverbial “Book of Life’ which is a history of all the significant events of our life. Especially the juicy parts.  In the past, we could at least tell ourselves that the judgement at the end of time was in the future compared to the tasty sin right in front of us.  Again, that is a little trick of limited consciousness because our own bodies are the recording medium like the cop with a body cam.  

It is said ‘ignorance is bliss’.  I would counter with ‘innocence is God’s gift to his children’.  As parents, we eventually wake up to the fact the our own parents knew a lot of our secrets when we were children.  And we now see their wisdom of letting children explore a little bit and make mistakes without having to feel ashamed of every error or ignorance. So back to the idea of secrets in Heaven, or on the job, or in a committed relationship.  We know there are rules and we know we break the rules. Therefore, secrecy. But can this condition last?

The original sin in the Old Testament was breaking the one rule and trying to hide the fact.  So this strategy of secrecy or thinking we have the ability to hide our sins has been with us for a long time.  It encourages our sin…and our ability to explore like innocent children. Just like good parents, God wants a balance of rules and free will and the appearance of secrecy so as not to spoil the mystery of the journey whose end is already known.  Did God already know Adam and Eve were going to break the only rule before they broke it?  That is the mystery of Wonder or the ability to surprise God and a future story.

The pressing issue facing humanity is that of radical transparency. I’m composing this on a laptop with tape over the camera.  That’s my edge on the spectrum of secrecy to radical transparency.  I take the tape off during zoom calls. Then I put it back on to hide from man, not God or myself.  I know that is impossible.  So why do I care about secrecy among men but not from God?  Power.  I want that power over my life. Man is not God. The laws of man are not the Laws of God.  But as I get closer to my arrival date in Heaven personally, I am also watching my world evolve into heaven on earth with the obliteration of secrecy.

The internet is the central nervous system of bioadministration.  And the only cells that hide in secrecy are cancerous tumors.  That is true among humans too.  Criminals hide.  But so do good, productive humans because our world is not yet run on a fair set of rules which we can all understand and agree on.  And the worst offenders are in our mind, our government.  But the ‘times are a changing’.  Digitization, surveillance technologies and the radically reduced cost of storage are God showing up in our modern world for a ‘Judgment Day’. The real question is will our leaders who benefit most from secrecy take the course of the demigods in the bible that stopped human evolution by ‘confusing their speech’ of a humanity that is reaching for God.

We average humans tend to fear having our secrets revealed.  But our modern governments are built upon secrecy and will undoubtably collapse upon radical transparency. We might be embarrassed by a sin revealed.  They will lose everything they think they have built.  Our world patriarchy is more afraid of the internet than Adam and Eve was of God. God the Father is rational.  God the Mother is ruthless.  It might seem like the government has control over the immune system (think police), but actually the human immune system rarely travels past the blood-brain barrier.  Our immune system, as well as the disease that triggers it reside in the gut.  The Mother’s world.  The gut lining births the central nervous system in the mother’s womb. And the patriarchy that has any sense knows, at their core, the methods of control they are rolling out, including the internet is a pathway to heaven on earth. And they have the most to lose.

Therefore, my invitation to my humanity (I have already wrestled with for years) is this. Radical transparency is the people’s friend.  I will give up all my sins to public view, if, I get to know what our leaders have been doing with their power.  They have so much more to lose and for their people to gain. Of course, there must be a system of correction for those humans who have lost their connection to conscience.  Our current supposed Justice system run by our government is very biased.  It should and will be run by our immune system under bioadministration.

Perhaps you are starting to realize how deep the journey will go with bioadministration and how fundamentally transformative will be bringing in the laws that keep our bodies alive in health and wonder and power.  Governments are great to have, like a brain.  As long as it can be regularly put to bed without a fight to wake up fresh in the morning with understanding and without dis-ease.


The Liver as a Citadel within Bioadministration


Citadelization not Decentralization