Citadelization not Decentralization

Citadelization not Decentralization

When imagining the third component of our mind heart body triad, it required a name to contain the spirit and importance of the body as a co-equal partner with its own center of gravity, governing rules and inherent powers. The last candidate before choosing citadelization was decentralization and in this short article we will see how distant a second place it remains.

The number one mission of citadelization is to enhance the individual cells of humanity as a counterbalancing force to the natural centralization of control within the mind as bioadministration proposes. History is littered with dozens of political systems where the governing mind have so fully captured first the body, its people, and then enslaved the heart, their spirit.  Most individual humans follow the same path in life. We start life as rebellious children and slowly throughout our lives our minds collect memories and our hearts collect fears which leads to the physical manifestation of old age in our bodies.  It is a scientific fact that centering prayer and meditation, which is a quieting of the mind to allow our attention to spread into every cell of our body and let the quiet voice of our cells and our heart speak, has profound beneficial effects upon the health and vitality of the whole organization.  How is a political system any different? It’s not.

As much as it is a proven fact that leaders who listen to their people and let their spirit sing are the best in class, how do we end up with these punishing voices in our minds and in the halls of government?  Cosmonomics says that humans carry a potential energy created from the division into yes and no, positive and negative. The tension between the mind and the body is the same as the electricity in a car battery stored between the lead and the acid.  This means that human life on earth is and always will be in a state of tension and that the mind of humanity as our leaders will always be ‘at odds’ with the people (albeit reconciled on demand creating the third force).  So the ‘people’, the body of humanity, need their own powerful center of gravity to ‘oppose’ their government for the potential life force of humanity to be maximized.

With this understanding of place and inherent mission of the body of humanity, what name best describes it’s necessary center of gravity?  Decentralization as an opposing force to centralization makes sense in systems analysis. One big machine versus many smaller machines.  That analysis is a fairly simple calculation of potential for machine breakdown and time to repair versus geographic factors, cost factors and shipping rates.  Plus, in a business, the mind of the corporation, the C-suite, demands and expects the ultimate level of control to maximize profits.  And we have seen many political systems, especially in a wartime state and martial law strive for this level of control over its people.

What have we learned about the ability of these authoritarian systems to survive in a pure centralization versus decentralization dynamic?  In the short-term, they are relatively successful.  The mind dominates the body in sports and in the gym for a game or a workout but then the body definitely talks back with force.  Elevate this to life or death games like war and then the emotional body and the physical body gang up on the mind and say ‘this better be damn worth it or I’m out of here now’.  So this idea of centralization versus decentralization can be a decent descriptor in machines, corporations and in short term event scenarios but it falls down completely when the human organization’s main goal is the health, happiness and the very preservation of life.

The mind makes mistakes and is prone to stupidity.  How many times have you driven too long at a time and fallen asleep at the wheel of a car for a split second only to snap awake?  What force wakes you up?  The trillions of cells who all of a sudden have lost contact with their mind in the middle of a complex and threatening operation. Or your guardian angel?  Maybe they are the same thing.  Whatever wakes you up, it is NOT a decentralized voice with no power to collect itself into a force that can act. It is a counteraction to the mind for the purpose of saving your life.  And it does this by being separate and never giving its power completely to the mind except in extreme circumstances in which there is total agreement from the three forces that make a human become one thing in ecstasy and extremis, if only for a moment.

So for everyday health and security of the human organization at every level, the longevity of the organization is best served by three independent centers of organization with their own base of power. Therefore, decentralization is opposition without its own base of power except that it is chaotic and hard to organize but extremely easy to pick off one by one.  Citadelization, as a word,  better describes the type of power the body has developed into in the modern human.  There are over 200 different types of normal and necessary human cells each with their own DNA coding sometimes concentrated within organs and sometimes free floating but still all distinct in purpose. Many citadels in one kingdom.

The sacrifice trillions of cells make everyday to supply this vehicle of human experience is so often taken for granted within the mind which is often chasing some shiny object in the outer world.  The body, the people, must be as independent, self-sufficient and self-aware as possible to allow the mind, our government, to explore unknown options in hopes of ignorance one day becoming intelligence without killing us first.  Sleep is the body saying no more.  So is disease.  

As we explore this idea of citadelization in depth our goal is to give the people the ability to put their government gently to sleep in order to ground out the tactical noise of the day and regain a new strategic clarity.  How much better will that be than when the people are forced to violently revolt akin to the body putting the mind in a high fever to burn out or even kill the bad ideas a few leaders can become addicted to?  So we say…Power to the people, namely citidelization….balanced by bioadministration and cosmonomics.


Bioadministration Means Radical Transparency


Cosmonomics and God Consciousness