Cosmonomics and God Consciousness

Cosmonomics and God consciousness

God consciousness. Easy to say. Harder to imagine. Impossible to hold. If you want to penetrate the eternal mystery and science that is cosmonomics, its not going to happen unless you can at least see the pot of gold at end of the rainbow.  God consciousness. The Holy Grail. Unity. Zero Point. The Great Mystery.

So, finding God consciousness. What if I told you there are cells inside your body vibrating God consciousness all the time? Of course there are. It’s called our conscience. The real issue of touching God consciousness is paying attention, and listening, to conscience.  Without connection to conscience, all of us are just hamsters on the wheel powering Life for something we cannot see or understand or truly participate in. I have a solution for that. 

You want a taste of God consciousness? Sure. But first. A couple of disclaimers and warnings. Gird your loins, my friend, whenever you are about to touch Eternity. Pinch yourself awake because you are about to mess with the power that is locked away in what we call time and this reality. There is consequence. My personal definition of the word consequence is man and God aligning in space and time.

Disclaimer one. Is God hiding from us? Or are we hiding from God? Once I show you a technique to enter into God consciousness you will know its always you that lacks the attention and will. And when you get there you may not like the message. Imagine how God would answer a prayer that goes “God, I’m done hiding, wake me up.”  Not my fault. 

Also, its a journey that, once achieved, you will not want to come back from. Being in union with God and then falling back into separation… will happen and it kinda hurts. It even scars. If a scar is a memory that has yet to dissolve, then the memory of God in you reveals the original tear in the fabric of our Oneness.  Our conscience lies in that wound. Of course, this original scar of separation from God is under all other “issues” in our life.  So, I will not apologize for “hurting” you by helping you remember your scar and I will only be blessed by the good karma of helping re-member God.

Here is my method.  It starts with memory. Just remember your own personal experience of God.  Put your mind heart and body on your peak life memory. God was there. Sometimes you were wounded by the experience with a memory of pain and sometimes you may have gotten a lesson that sticks like a scar. For me and all my journeys in search of God consciousness, I have plenty of painful memories but I have also been blessed in spoken Word once by God the Father and once by God the Mother. From my Father, two words “Give Life”.  And from my Mother, “Heal my Children”.  

How do we know it’s God? What is God but the truest, realist memory of our life that aligns with the most inexplainable mystery that is Life. Find the memory which you know was God speaking or acting to wake you up or guide you. If you have to question its God quotient being real… then it’s coming from an outer part of you. True consequence of God acting in your life is real when the deeper part of you has no need to convince anybody of anything. Cosmonomics requires you hearing and knowing your conscience. For you who think it is ridiculous to “hear God’s voice”, I will give you enough reason to walk away now and never come back. 

I have been seduced by countless demons and demigods and followed scores of spirits upon a million flights of fancy. There are definitely spirits of the air (mind) that fly between regular and God consciousness that want to feed on your attention.  Wow! The stories I have bought, or at least tried on and been milked by.  But in all those lumps of coal I grabbed that brought me back to earth, there are these two diamonds. “Give Life” and “Heal my children”. Whole oceans of words of philosophy, sermons and sacred texts distilled into these extremely simple and easily accessible but inexhaustible missions. They cut through all the noise and fragments of my life to ring like a bell that pierces the veil by being as irreducible and hardened and sharp as a diamond blade. I own them and I will for Eternity. 

So first, remember your own peak memories. Make them like diamonds that nothing else can penetrate. Store your memories in your heart where all sacred memories reside.  Only open the vault when you are ready to touch Eternity.

Second, place your whole attention in your heart and call upon your memory of your moment with God. Once an angel whispered in my ear “memory is gravity”. It’s true. And memory plus attention is spiritual rocket fuel. I simply breath into my heart, place my attention in my heart which clears my throne room of whatever has taken up residence in my absence. And I call up my sacred memory of God speaking to those two words or those three words to me and I am immediately “with God” because memory is gravity. I remember that moment of consequence, of time and space when God and I were speaking and hearing in Eternity and I am in my God consciousness. The Holy Grail of cosmonomics.

So your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to find one or two or three memories when time collapsed into ecstasy and ensconce it in the wall of your throne room, your heart. Make each memory a sacred object like a precious crystal. And then take time to revisit your memory of Eternity with God whenever you want or need a shot of God consciousness and to touch the place inside yourself called conscience to hear its message. Do this and you will find that the more you wake up the Eternal part of yourself, the more God will enjoy upgrading your sacred memories.  Then lucky you…and lucky world!

Why is this important? Because cosmonomics without God consciousness and conscience is rocket fuel with no guidance system. Of course, God wins no matter what. The game is rigged. But humanity has been losing its own mojo and its heaven on earth to conscious and unconscious black magicians with personal egos in their hearts and because humanity has forgotten its own power of creation….and the laws of cosmonomics.  The God we feed is the God we get ;-)


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