Bioadministration not Transhumanism

Bioadministration not Transhumanism 

Our would-be world patriarchy has been on a long-term journey for at least the last one hundred years to sell humans on adopting what is now packaged as transhumanism.  It is no conspiracy theory that in the last century we have been heavily sold communism, fascism, eugenics, technocracy thru the tools of propaganda, secret police, forced sterilization, modern advertising, re-education camps, social credit scores, etc.  How has that worked out for humanity?  At least part of our human leadership believes there can be no order without these types of systems and methods of control. Not so. There is a replacement for these anti-life political systems with a system built for life. The human body itself, we call Bioadministration.

The patriarchy’s latest marketing package of this failed anti-life idea is transhumanism or the fourth industrial revolution or environmental-social governance which all need a ‘Great Reset’ to ‘make the world more fair’ is being sold to us with digital money created from thin air and digital control previewed by George Orwell in 1984.  Humanity’s seduction into this brand new and shiny electronic realm is now nearly complete thanks to the shock and awe campaign called COVID-19.  But more and more humans see the arch of history and realize this is just the latest version of an ancient war between the forces of life versus anti-life.  I call the latest version of this conflict bioadministration versus transhumanism.  

This is not a war over whether humanity needs an established order. Order and chaos are built into our human condition and neither can banish the other.  Unfortunately for humanity, some of our species are especially susceptible tools of extreme order and extreme chaos, usually finding mention in our history books. Kings and priests have lately given way to scientists and billionaires but the supposed need to maintain extreme control over humanity is either an inevitable force of evolution or a psychopathic parasite in certain human minds which must be faced.  Or likely both.

Order and chaos are both our teachers turning us back from their fences because life only exists between these two poles. Like the opposing lead and acid in a car battery creates space for electricity, order and chaos bound the energy of life. The more stable and strong the opposition the greater the container for life to exist. But transhumanism is not a stable boundary of order to contain life.  It is an invasion of a malignant order upon life with its new forms of technology allowing a harvesting of life force along with control. If adopted, it will fail like all its forefathers because it is not in alignment with life.  It is feeding on life for its own short-term enhancement, the same way its progenitors of communism and fascism did.  But no order messes with life for long before chaos comes a calling. And vice versa.

So transhumanism, as a concept of order, has already failed cosmic law even if it did get center stage for a generation. But before I present bioadministration as the next shiny object for our patriarchy to grab a hold of instead of transhumanism, it would behoove us to ask ourselves why humanity has continually agreed to having its life force raped and pillaged by obvious vampire regimes that consume life, not contain it. 

First, we must admit to the positive reasons for a systemic, even world-wide, ordering of humanity.  Life on earth is organized in cycles of aging, weather, culture.  It is completely natural and correct for the wise humans, both men and women who have seen, survived and remember through repetitive testing of life’s expansion and contraction to provide guidance and leadership.  Hierarchy (which is sometimes a patriarchy) comes from the natural cycle of birth, life and death and the need to pass on wisdom. Bioadministration points to the fact humans have a mind tasked with gathering inputs from the outer world, remembering past successes and failures and planning for the future starting with the next meal. Having a control center is natural and an important survival strategy. 

Order is also important for new invention and understanding to flow through humanity.  If one tribe member learns how to start a fire or dies from eating a poisonous plant then the collective consciousness of that group of humans needs a secure well of knowledge to progress. Globalization has brought unprecedented growth of health, wealth and knowledge.  Unfortunately the world patriarchy built globalization on the foundation of debt, resource depletion and labor exploitation. But working together as an integrated, harmonious humanity is hands down the gold standard for life on earth.  It is natural to wish for it and to listen to ideas which promote it.  So how have we made so many mistakes?

Transhumanism is the latest version of a plan to make life better by letting robots do the work, let us genetically enhance our children, have our every desire catalogued, programmed and supplied even if we can only afford the digital picture of the thing or experience in a headset.  We are being sold the idea that life can be super fun and easy if we just let the AI think for us. “You will own nothing and be happy”.  How is this bargain with the devil any different than the promises of communism and fascism? Something like ‘Just give us control and we will make your life easy.’  Transhumanism is the next form of tyranny in an electronic overcoat.  

Humans, under duress, will buy a new untested model of control because it is natural to desire security and ease. We forget that the fear and laziness which encourages obedience to the new order came from the catastrophic failure of their last attempt at organizing. We are supposed to forget our health care system is dying, our public education system is dying, our monetary system is dying, our biosphere is dying and our souls are starved for meaning. But they say ‘trust us, we have a new plan based on the latest technology’. And we have bought it, until now.

With all these failures, has there ever been an organization of humanity that was fair and effective? Yes, billions of examples as close as your own body.  Bioadministration uses the time and cycle tested organization of the human organism itself as the greatest example of win-win cooperation. Over two hundred varieties of trillions of living cells have become a single human. As above, so below. What works for the single human, must be the best win-win design for human cooperation even to a planetary scale.

What could be more empowering, healing and fair than for the body of humanity to force the mind of humanity (our political scientists, philosophers and leaders) to judge every policy, law and regulation against the blueprint of the most tested and successful human organization on the planet. The human body.  A win-win organization, not a system of control, wealth and power.  

Bioadministration empowers the mind as much as any dictatorship, but with the people as the power. No blood, no mind. No energy, no mind.  Are your cells prisoners of your mind and its choices? No. We can put the mind literally to sleep. If your cells feel enslaved then your mind (that interfaces with the outside world) has been possessed by an inhuman idea like communism, fascism or now transhumanism. Change the mind, don’t enslave the body. 

Until recently, humanity has only had trial and error by which to organize itself and was naturally curious and susceptible to new ideas.  This has been especially true if the new idea prayed upon human weaknesses like envy, greed or laziness.  But on special occasions, like after large disturbances, dislocations and disasters, life would force some humans to excel in leadership.  Most long-lived organizations came from those forcing events which formed great humans with great ideas to lead in a new way. These once successful systems over time have always become led by sick humans with sick ideas.  Until now. Trial and error, survival of the fittest, recovery from disaster are all tests that have already been won.  By each human.

Over the last fifty years we have been able to see and understand how our own human organization works and stays healthy on the inside.  We can see inside the organization perfected over tens of thousands of years by Nature and the Cosmos itself.  There is no better blueprint for human organizations than bioadministration  along with its necessary partners of cosmonomics and citidelization just like the mind has the heart and the body.  

The dissemination and adoption of these ideas is the mission of as a part of the mission. Please continue to join in and share in the reawakening of our collective human mind to its natural and divine blueprint and the shunning of outdated and inhuman programs like transhumanism.


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