Why War

Why War

In this short essay, we will review and apply the principles of cosmonomics to war in general and also to the current cycle of conflict our world is facing.  We will not engage in the story of blame which is simply a disease of the mind grasping at straws to attempt to calm itself by making another fairy tale blanket to cover an existential truth we will attempt to remember in this essay…. the conditions and the timing of war is essentially a cosmic disturbance.

To begin, remember we humans are at the top of the physical food chain in life but are not at the top of the energetic food chain.  The emotions of humanity are a very potent energy which is harvested and stored in energetic structures which resemble a vortex of different frequencies from the ‘pits of despair’ to the ‘communion of saints’. Life, in all its interactions, especially war, plague and disasters stimulates the emotional body of many humans to transform matter into specific frequencies of energy for cosmic needs. 

Every human is living inside the body of a greater living organism. Call that life God, Nature, Life, Cosmos—It does not care for your name any more than you care what one of your muscle cells is calling you after a long workout. Names do not matter, just action and reaction. Life happens and our bodies react. A core assumption of cosmonomics is that humanity has a ‘boss’ which we cannot see or understand its actions any more than a liver cell in our body knows what is happening to the whole human. But that liver cell can feel the level of harmony or disharmony at any given moment.  Each cell in our body is singing, or should be singing, one song, a ‘uni-verse’ at any given moment that is not of its own choice.  We must even sing the song of war, if our God wills it, just like the trillions of cells in each individual body must respond to its god, you, and your choice of action.

So step one for a conscious human is to drop any judgment for any part of humanity that engages in war.  They are the sacrificial lamb for humanity to ‘feed a hungry God’.  Throughout history every culture has a story, a tradition or a practice of the ritual death of the innocent giving new life to the tribe.  Every true religion at its core is a practice of emotional expression or release as a layered defense against war.  Great tribes and cultures carried their release of emotional food in life and death as sacred to their God as a much better system of exchange than a hungry God breaking into the storehouse of the human body for every meal and midnight snack.

War is a harvest of a crop that is ready and a demand for energy within that crop.  We might tend to humanize our ‘God is hungry’ excuse.  That is a metaphor we can understand.  Cosmonomics sees the demand for war as more analogous to the cosmos needing digestive enzymes to assimilate some foreign substance the solar system has encountered.  Or another example is how a human reacts to any disturbance in their life.  Depending on the severity of the disturbance determines how much emotional energy is released to assist the human to first defend and then reorder its world back to homeostasis. Have you ever wondered why we have these overwhelming emotional energies at our fingertips? The histamine response for embarrassment? What is their purpose?

War is a failure and a last ditch effort to control an outcome.  War is as failure prone as using your harshest emotions with a lover or a child. It is a complete failure of the organization of Life, even for the ‘winner’.  What wins is ego separation. What wins is division. What wins is death and the energy the death journey  releases. War, anger and brutality are emergency measures to force reaction. But there are many ways humans can respond to the needs of the cosmos. 

Cosmonomics recognizes and embraces the whole energetic exchange system.  There is no religious judgment here except Life is meant to be beautiful and we could be living in a heaven on earth because every healthy human wants to be happy and safe and create beauty.  And yet we vulnerable humans live fully exposed to the vulgarities of cosmic energies and forces we cannot see or control.  When one really stops to consider our situation of knowing what we can imagine for our humanity compared to our history up to today, it can be a soul crushing weight to bare. Our only hope is how we ‘pay the piper’ for the debt of our existence on this earth. It is our free will to take the hard road i.e. war or the easier road of cosmonomics.

It is time humanity became conscious of its purpose for the cosmos and the laws by which we can consciously manage ourselves and leave behind the unconscious milking of our humanity by war, disease and natural disaster.  If you are ready for this journey to remember that every energy exchange is a two way street and to reclaim our birthright as cocreatorrs of our reality as a cell within the body of God rather than a slave to the dogs of war, then here is an understanding available at no monetary cost.  It will cost you your ignorance of your true power and your fears that keep us at war within and without.  You are invited to this journey at cosmonomics.org or BCCInstitute.org 


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