Citadelization of Personal Health

Citadelization of Personal Health

Of all the systems within our current western civilization which have been centralized to its detriment, none is more corrupted and compromised than the health care system.  If you have not been red-pilled by the Covid-19 experience then you might as well just stop reading now.  No amount of elegant words can say more than the experience of the last two years of the willful and ignorant destruction of lives and livelihoods and can convince a human not to blindly trust the mind (government) of our human organization with our individual health.  

There has been an unholy trinity of insurance companies, health maintenance organizations (HMO) and pharmaceutical companies that have become a malignant cancerous tumor within the body of humanity fed by the sugar of tax dollars and regulatory capture.  It’s growth for its own profit has been steady up until Covid-19 and then this cancer became a weapon our government has used against its own body (people) as a matter of policy.  We could theorize on their motive and may in the future, but today we will discuss the proper reaction of people who are still choosing life over becoming another cell lost to this weaponized cancer.

Even before Covid and before our so-called modern health care system, have our minds or our government ever been a great supervisor of our cellular health?  Think about cigarettes and DDT.  Individual cells react immediately to these poisons and the body reacts to expel them ASAP.  Whereas, our minds and our governments react only after years of abuse and the very survival of the organism is at risk.  In the mean time, our bodies are abused by poor choices of a mind seduced by the next trend, the next addiction, the next prescription.  Sound familiar?  And up until now, we cells of humanity have allowed our leader, the mind, our politicians to seduce us with another plan to get us out of their last poor choice rather than take sovereignty over our own health.

Fortunately we have a central nervous system and a memory storage system which resides in the brain and permeates the rest of the body.  Like the internet, there is an information and communication network which can give each cell access to each other as well as the mind.  The cells can respond to the inputs of food, drugs, experiences in a feedback loop which, if the cells are strong and healthy, can overwhelm the mind with their reaction to its choices.  The body trains the mind about health. When the mind trains the body is called addiction.

About forty years ago there was a very successful stop smoking clinic.  Their method was to force you to chain-smoke cigarettes until you became so sick you would vomit.  It worked because the body was forced to reawaken its inherent power to say no to the abuse of the mind.  It is my hope the Covid experience was that wake up for much of humanity to vomit out the idea  a health care system based on profit and regulated by a government captured by those same profits is a cancerous tumor that wants to feed on your life.

Fortunately, there has been a huge reaction by individual humans taking responsibility for their own health on their own dime.  Many holistic doctors take no insurance money and are thriving.  In my hometown, there are at least twenty-five walk-in clinics that provide high-dose Vitamin C IV drips. Acupuncture, chiropractor and massage clinics have experienced a steady growth with little or no insurance reimbursement.  The internet is flooded with free sites and videos devoted to health and wellness.

This is the trend which needs to continue.  Human health is a core tenet of citadelization.  Health is like a currency in the bank.  It is each humans personal responsibility to manage their own bank account of health.  An advanced civilization should have a backup account to help their citizens to recover from accident and disease.  But a government that itself becomes part of an industry who is harvesting health for profit and promoting addiction to pharmaceuticals by freely funding all cells no matter the self abuse of some humans is anti-life. 

Governments must do nothing that promotes addiction to centralized treatment. Taking money from the healthy to promote sickness by concentrating the power of health within the mind is against the natural order of a healthy life.  Health belongs in all cells with strong voices to train the mind what are right choices to promote life and what are wrong choices that lead to death.  

Corporations that are selling unhealthy products through the mind with big marketing budgets are like cancerous tumors growing within the body of humanity.  Think soft drinks.  The excess sugar promotes excess bacterial growth that, once alive and in the body, repeatedly calls out ‘more sugar or I will die’.

Health is homeostasis. Balanced. At peace. With stores of vitality.  This condition only comes from each cell acting to maintain its own health with minimum intervention by the often stupid choices of the mind when it comes to health. As above, so below.  Our governments should leave health care funds with their people to make personal choices that lead to real health. 


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