Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Defeating Cancers and Protecting Against Harmful Citadelization

The study of cancer as a dis-ease can be useful in also studying one leg of our triad, citadelization.  Each leg of our triad needs its own self-regulation or limitation that must be enforced by the other legs of the triad. For example, citadelization naturally and rightly opposes the centralization of power within bioadministration and the mind every night through sleep. What force prevents excessive citadelization with humans losing their connection to the whole? What if cells losing their systemic purpose start hiding in masses and packs who want to remain alive but find no common purpose with the life that is sustaining them?  Sounds a lot like historical falls of civilization, things we are seeing in the outer world, and also like the symptoms of cancer and its growth.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Citadelization of Personal Health

Of all the systems within our current western civilization which have been centralized to its detriment, none is more corrupted and compromised than the health care system.  If you have not been red-pilled by the Covid-19 experience then you might as well just stop reading now.  No amount of elegant words can say more than the experience of the last two years of the willful and ignorant destruction of lives and livelihoods and can convince a human not to blindly trust the mind (government) of our human organization with our individual health.  

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