Cosmonomics New World Order

Most serious geopolitical analysts are saying World War III has already started or are predicting it to start in the next few years.  East versus West or Authoritarians versus Democracies or financial engineering versus socialist production.  Whatever the dividing line, one thing is crystal clear.  The New World Order announced and led by the West after the fall of the Soviet Union and the before the rise of China has already died.  

The following is a quote from my book The New Code written in 2001:

“Machiavelli, if he could have seen his handiwork, would have been beaming with pride (at the fall of the Soviet Union).  Upon deeper reflection, he would have seen the collapse of communism contained a foreshadowing the new emperor had no clothes.  He would have thrown out The Prince and started writing a new code.”

The new emperor was financial capitalism.  It was a great method for fighting a new kind of war between nuclear powers.  But once victory was achieved, we did not disarm.  We went looking for new worlds to conquer.  Japan 1990. Mexico 1994. All the Asian tigers 1997.  Russia got a whole decade of financial rape and pillage. It was obvious to me by 2001, the West’s shiny new model of financial capitalism with unlimited fiat money and digital technology was the abusive father with too many growing sons to keep overwhelmed for very long.  

Capitalism is so aggressively one-side and out of balance with life, it needed an equally out of balance counter force like communism, and then terrorism, for the world to find some tentative stasis.  Once that counter-balance got off the other end of the see saw, collapse was inevitable. Unless, we could stop ourselves, reform ourselves. Therefore, my invitation to a new code twenty years ago.

Bottom line, here we are today. We won the lottery.  Blew everything. And in the process made everyone hate us and wish for our downfall even if there’s no new plan.  The West has already fallen and the best the powers that be can hope for is a return to a divided world a la cold war. The worst outcome is a World War III which no one can truly win without massive devastation. That’s the cliff notes version of history and our current dilemma.

I apologize for taking half the blog just to rub our noses in our own shitty predicament.  But this is as serious a situation as anyone alive has seen and we have the worst political leadership from both parties ever in our history.  We are in the birth canal and there is no stopping what is about to happen.  Stop the blame. Stop the shame. The only valuable actions at this point are those actions taken from this moment forward. 

Cosmonomics has only one action plan for a world facing increasing division no matter who’s ‘right’. Who’s ‘wrong’. Or who started it.  Just hold two or more lesser truths in tension. Let neither ‘win’ nor ‘lose’. Only accept the answer that eventually arises from the reconciliation of the two back into a higher truth which encompasses both lesser truths. As much as some humans worship being right in their own mind, there are always higher truths than anything any man has ever conceived.  There is a uni-verse, one Thing, that resolves all other thoughts, feelings and sensations back into Itself. Simply open the door.

This plan starts with the Law of Concentration.  In ages such as these, there is no shortage of raw material to concentrate. Chaos in the mind. Fear in the heart.  And disease in the body.  All three are epidemics overrunning humanity.  A core tenet of cosmonomics is the fact that the center of our hearts is the only doorway in or out of the reality.  You might think you have escaped to heaven or to hell but those are only holding and recycling centers designed to prevent any escape of God’s precious treasure, your feelings about your story.   

Another core tenet of cosmonomics is when humanity is being disturbed, it is by the cosmos and it is on purpose.  It is we humans who have forgotten what to do when these cosmic forces drive us crazy.  The Law of Concentration.  Don’t fall into hell or hope you are running to heaven.  Visit your heart.  In fact, set up camp.  Look, we live inside the greater body of God, which to our eyes looks like stars and space and God is going to get what God needs.  The more we resist, the more drama, pain and suffering we create. Resistance (a closed heart) makes God and humanity living inside of God more disturbed, not less.

So how do we effect the cosmos by the Law of Concentration?  Through the technology of the heart we open a portal some call the Zero Point. How? Close your eyes.  Move your center of attention from the mind to your heart by breathing consciously into your heart.  Then love. Touch. Stay. Breathe. Feel.  Scan your mind. Scan your body. Scan your heart. Allow every thought, memory, feeling, pain and tension move into the vortex at the center of your heart. Keep loving. Keep touching. Keep feeling. Keep breathing. And stay.  Let nothing take you from your center.  You may cry, shake and sweat. Just love it. Just touch it. Just feel it. And breathe and stay.  You will know when your done….when you don’t want to leave this center and there’s only peace. You’re done when there’s no resistance, only potential.

Now you have used the Law of Concentration to take the debris of life swirling around you and have turned it into what cosmonomics calls the neutral force. This is the same substance our greater body of God uses to affect change.  You can do the same thing yourself, with caveats. It’s called prayer. It is a technology of attention, direction and force.

The human body is a magical instrument. Humans collectively are very powerful.  For evil. And for good.  Cosmonomics helps us understand our choices and their consequences.  And cosmonomics calls using the neutral force to affect change the Law of Order and the Law of Freedom.  More on these laws later…or you can buy a copy of The New Code.


Western Civilization: Specially Created with Cosmic Purpose


Order and Chaos