Second Conscious Shock

Today I’m going to write about the human superpower that has been criminally neglected, purposefully hidden and suspiciously forgotten from human understanding.  The least hidden way it is taught today is by solely assigning its power to Jesus Christ as the gatekeeper and yet it is the birthright of every human.  It’s mystification by religion has always weakened every culture that assigned its transmission to a priest class.  I’m talking about the second conscious shock.

Remember, I said I would be taking us on a journey to the zero point revealing its attractive forces and its repelling forces.  Step one is the first conscious shock most easily understood as putting your attention on your breath.  This alignment of mind and heart is the first gate to ascending into a higher state of being and therefore aligning with the vortex surrounding the zero point.  A scattered attention cannot gather any power and our heart containing the doorway to the zero point exerts an attractive force ready for any and all attention.

Mediation/prayer with the mind and heart aligned is a great and powerful tool of harmonization and restoration of homeostasis.  The second conscious shock adds the alignment of the body, specifically the digestive tract, with the heart and mind.  If the first conscious shock gives attention filled breath to enliven our more subtle spiritual self, the second conscious shock opens our ability to digest contradiction and feed our soul with the same substance we humans are unconsciously manufacturing for the greater being we live inside.

Cosmonomics states we live inside the “body of God”. Or a living solar system. Or whatever you want to call the greater Life we are inhabiting.  Humans, as children at play, are great transmuters of energetic contradictions expressing a harmonious frequency of being alive that is part of the nervous system/emotional body of our Host. As maturing adults we make ourselves separate and distinct by embedding contradictions within our mental judgments, the ego wall around our heart and the memorized sensations trapped as crystalline structures within the tissues of the body. We become fully charged batteries waiting for the death journey and its concentrated burst of reconciled life force to be called upon by higher demand.

An ecstatic death and uncontrolled recapitulation of our memories is the speeding up process that occurs in the ever increasing vortex around the zero point to match the frequency that is the homeostatic center of the greater Life we inhabit.  Humans call this frequency love, harmony, peace. And our life and death is dedicated to the bioenergetic restoration of homeostasis within the body of God….whether you practice the first or the second conscious shock or not.

These tools of the first and second conscious shock are gifts for those humans who desire to be in a higher state of harmony by opening the portal to the zero point upon demand.  The first conscious shock clears your mind and places your power of attention inside your own self.  This is the prerequisite before touching those power places of stored contradiction and separation with a human heart connected to the zero point.

The first use of the second conscious shock is upon our own wounded self. The contradictions of our life that will be forced to reconcile within our death journey into the zero point can be harvested in advance using the second conscious shock.  Why? To not be such a juicy target for forced reconciliation.  To live more childlike and connected to our true self.  To be more Christ-like in service to our friends and family and everyone we encounter in life.

Being in the power of Christ is using the first and second conscious shock to open the portal to the zero point and to be connected directly to the “peace that surpasses all understanding” that is the homeostasis of the greater Life we live inside and the frequency that calls every contradiction back into itself.  Every pain, all suffering and every contradiction started whole and can return to whole by the human use of the power of Christ as the first and second shocks.

Can our death journey be assisted by Jesus and other ascended masters and saints living outside of time? Most definitely.  Can this process of bringing God back to homeostasis be abused by a priest class and by ritual sacrifice of living humans? Yes.  Can a proper understanding and application of the first and second conscious shocks within humanity stop the need for wars, plagues and natural disasters? Yes.

To be continued…


The Dictatorship of Mind


Citadelization and Artificial Intelligence II