Citadelization and Artificial Intelligence II

The last time I wrote a few months ago about AI’s complete rewriting of our political, economic and spiritual systems it was to encourage resilience through creating citadels of harmonious organization around you, your family and your tribe.  This was step one in “talking off the ledge” the mass hysteria and escatological fixation upon the release of Chat GPT by using the principals of citadelization.  Today we will deal with opposing polarity of AI and the savior complex so embedded within Western Civilization.

There is a dedicated group of humans leading the race to the full unfoldment and implementation of AI.  They are in the defense, scientific, computer and public policy realms.  In short, eggheads.  And this new power within the mind of humanity cannot go unanswered.  The human three body problem/solution that is the dividing line between being alive and being dead cannot empower the mind without triggering a forceful reaction from the heart and body to rediscover and restore a new homeostasis.

Whether AI brings world war, economic depression or mass open air incarceration these are just the external dramatic consequences of the more fundamental conflict between the heart and the  mind over control of the body. Said differently a conflict between church and state for alliance with the people.  Everyone comments on the consequences of the mental domination of the body and the people assisted by AI, assuming a mental victory.  That jumps over the war that will be fought between heart and mind that the heart must win for the three body problem/solution of human life on Earth to continue.

Since the Renaissance and the Enlightenment defeated the Inquisition centuries ago there has been this imbedded tradition of state over church, mind over heart, logic over intuition and a belief in a linear path to a scientific Utopia.  That is a false hope and a false god. What is true is we are stagnating or even regressing in a technological dysfunction because our mind cannot tell us who we are or our purpose. We have the smartest scientists and experts ever and every complex system is regressing into dysfunction.  The heart will always be the senior partner in the realm of purpose and without the heart’s guidance system we are lost in what the spiritual realm is known as the Chapel Perilous. Easy prey to delusion and systemic mistake.

So I state, please, truly understand what we are facing with the disturbing introduction of AI is a forced re-inspection of purpose and meaning centered within our heart.  But first there will be a competition between the mind and the heart for the loyalty of the people to their cause.  For the heart to “win” the body’s alliance means humanity will evolve forward.  For the mind to win will take humanity into the organizational structure of the bees and the ants effectively ending the human experiment.

More likely, than ending humanity, is the ending of a technological age of humanity with a complete wipeout of our civilizations and even our memory banks.  Was Atlantis sinking and the world wide cataclysm a Great Reset?  Is there some internal warning system that makes catastrophism such a popular subject for movies these days? Are the insect looking “aliens” really future humans projecting back through time to get back upon our evolutionary timeline again?  What is AI but an opening of the human concept of the limits of time to Eternity with super fast computing?  The mind cannot open that door without the heart or its a guaranteed reboot at best or a permanent insanity at worst.

The only way the state and our minds can be given the power of AI for more than a mere glimpse of evolutionary time or getting lost in a blind ally of Eternity is if the heart and the body are allied in response, in advance.  The power dynamics of a three body system, and therefore life itself, means our heart and our body must meet the power of AI assisted mind or we will fall very far.  Both church and state will be reset to within hands reach.

Citadelization is at the foundation of life because it survives when every external structure of church and state has collapsed.  Our goal is to never have to play that ace card.  Our goal is to reinvent church the way Christianity restored the heart center and the proverbial divine child to respond to the Roman Empire.  AI will force humanity into a new, stronger relationship with our heart and our purpose.  Or it will reset us.


Second Conscious Shock


Two Hands, Two Feet, Two Parties