Two Hands, Two Feet, Two Parties

We take for granted the binary nature and symmetry of the human body.  Walking and running is infinitely easier than hopping around and balancing on one foot.  Our ability to pick up heavy objects or to climb up a vertical obstacle is only possible by the opposing and complimentary pressure coming from two hands working together for one purpose.

In partnerships, business or intimate, same or mixed sexuality there is a strength in diversity.  Complementary attributes and opposing attitudes, when honored, always leads to a better course of action.  Hybrid vigor is a well established fact of biology and animal husbandry that the first cross of two distinct varieties of cattle always produces a larger, healthier animal.

So why do political ideologies try to fight and win by defeating the only opposing force that can produce wholeness and harmony?  Fascists on the right and communists on the left are the worst at completely destroying any opposition.  In the short term, their fear-based mind control can whip the emotional body of the tribe or nation into a real frenzy of unitary action.  And history has shown these unopposed actions lead to catastrophic mistakes.

Every downfall of every organization can be traced back to the inability to restore homeostasis and balance by the atrophy of opposition.  The human body has thousands of generations of testing and refinement on top of an already awesomely beautiful and exquisite functionality that is centered around a win-win relationship between 200 different cell functions.  There is no dead weight or free loading in design. No cell is a forced nor an accepted loser or every cell is on the lose-lose train into death.

With all of this said, and facing the historical fact that the demonization of opposition is a death sentence upon the organization, what is up with the United States politically?  The demonization of opposition is like one leg or one hand wishing the other would fall off the body.  How stupid of ideas can infect the thoughts of political opponents?  How debilitating and destabilizing are the thoughts and judgments projected within the same organization that can only survive long-term as a win-win agreement between opposing parties?

Every contradiction of left and right, liberal and conservative, good and evil has already found reconciliation inside the healthy human. Bioadministration clearly states that every political contradiction has already been resolved within the blueprint of the our own body, heart, mind organization.  Tax policy? Social programs? Private wealth? Instead of fighting in a win-lose battle, we can look objectively at our own internal harmony to discover what homeostasis is for our nation?

Body-mass Index is an objective and well tested statistic that keeps an ideal reserve (fat) versus functionality (muscle) who are not fighting each other but are complimentary depending on the season and the organizational mission.  In peacetime, there should be more fat cells and more private wealth so that in wartime there is the reserve energy that can be taxed into the greater public need.  Sunset laws that force every program to periodic death and reauthorization follows the need for the mind to be rebooted every night and reevaluation in the morning light.

Old age is mostly a repetition of routine or thought that acts like a gravitational force connected to dead matter that was once alive.  The opposing force that can free us from our dogmas and patterns wearing us down has been banished and our ability to repair and reboot with it.  The key to restoration has a perfect up or down position for every tumbler in the lock.  Every cell and every human has their perfect place in a win-win agreement of a thriving organization.

The only organizational blueprint that can banish all division and destructive competition is our own divinely inspired and naturally tested blueprint. The human blueprint applied to humanity.  Bioadministration. Two hands. Two feet. Two parties. Working together. Or dying together.


Citadelization and Artificial Intelligence II


First Conscious Shock