First Conscious Shock

Over the next several postings on cosmonomics, I will map out the energetic gates and permissions leading to the zero point.  This portal and doorway between worlds and dimensions must have boundaries and border guards both internal to the individual human and also externally to regulate the energetic flow. Why must it? Because the division and reconciliation of humanity is a precious resource to be well managed for cosmic order.

The zero point of the cosmic order is directly analogous to the biological and chemical homeostasis of the single human body.  Statistically this could be expressed as the pH of the arterial blood returning to the heart.  Spiritually this could be expressed in Christ’s words of “the peace that surpasses all understanding.”  In short, there is a perfect place of transcendent harmony inside each human that has an, as yet, unknown attractive force bringing us back to center the same way our own being naturally seeks its homeostasis after being disturbed.

Cosmonomics describes the zero point as the memory of God.  Memory exerts a force of gravity. At the solar system level the memory of God is the frequency and quality of sunlight. There is also a central sun with its core programmed light inside of each of we humans that gets deflected, occulted and re-programmed by life.  But we can call ourselves back to our center with memory. The ability to walk ourselves back into cosmic harmony of internal alignment to the central sun is the definition of being spiritually alive by being able to restore ourself to the cosmic homeostasis.

The first step we call the first conscious shock, is to align your being with your breath.  The simplest form of meditation is to “pay attention” to your breathing.  Gurdjieff called this self-remembering.  In biophysical terms this is moving our collection point of attention, normally focused in the mind, to the heart. The organizing origination of a vortex from a most disorganized disbursed state requires taking conscious control of our attention as step one.

The key to seizing control of our attention is to give it something to pay attention to.  First time meditators often fail because they attempt to force their attention to be still.  This is a losing strategy of attempting to alpha male your alpha male.  It does not work for more than a few seconds.  The solution is to use a naturally attractive force to our attention and that is our memory.

That memory can be the immediate recording of looking at a beautiful sunset or your children at play or with your eyes closed and remembering a beautiful, harmonious experience.  The more beautiful, harmonious, powerful the memory the easier our attention will be attracted.  Don’t go see a horror movie before meditating or praying. As we go deeper into transcendent memories, these concepts of gravity, harmony, homeostasis and the memory of God all start to lose their individual meaning and organize a coherent vortex around the zero point.

I have transcendent memories of being at one with my greater self and God I keep locked away like religious icons.  In my quiet moments of peace or struggle, I can simply call up one of these memories, place it in my heart and tap into the gravitational pull at the center of this reality call it God, the zero point or whatever.  There is a state that transcends all worldly dramas and seductions.  Memory, with conscious breath is more powerful than any fear or doubt.

It’s like gravity in that it can be resisted by human willpower, but it is relentless and is the place we all fall back into.

Why do we fight a relentless homeostasis of peace and harmony?  Cosmonomics theorizes the purpose of human division and reconciliation and all our lesser memories that drive our lives being a potential energy like fuel in a gas tank or electricity in a battery.  And therefore, most of our maturation and individuation as adults are persistent memories our lives gravitate around that will eventually come to be harvested.

We can resist reconciliation even up to the doorway of death, but the cosmos will always win by consuming all your contradictions.  So why hold on to sin and suffer the separation from our true state of peace and homeostasis? Take the first conscious shock.  With every breath.  When we remember something greater than the limitation of the current moment.

Pay your cosmic debt to life regularly, in advance. Just be in your breath and remember yourself being alive.  Stay tuned to what’s next in the gathering vortex around the zero point.


Two Hands, Two Feet, Two Parties


Legitimate Authority III