Patriarchy and Succession

Here at BCC Institute, a patriarchy is not defined as a group of men running the world.  The masculine power of knowing and wielding light can emanate from a biological male or female.

The patriarchy is the mind of any organization of humanity with its masculine, feminine and unified compartments.

In an ideal world, a system of patriarchy would renew itself and train its next leaders by the structure and design of the system itself.  Fraternities and secret societies attempt this with hazings and ritualized suffering to weed out the uncommitted and make more valuable the secrets at the core of that belief system and patriarchy.  On the downside, succession becomes self-referential and the original focus of the system becomes staying alive, instead of its original purpose and service. 

Knowing the secret handshake is seen as a doorway to power when the brotherhood's real purpose is to contain a mystery its founders attempted to wrap into a container that would last forever by the passing of knowledge down through time.  Patriarchy and succession is a strategy our own mind also uses to preserve vital knowledge.  Hard-won and pain-filled knowledge is precious.  And the universe makes it a challenge to know and hold that knowledge, while at the same time giving us the perfect vehicle to ensure we can record and remember it.  A strong mind.

Being “in the club” has been the strategy of patriarchies across all recorded history as the best tool to defend a ruling belief system.  That is until such time as that inability to change with the external environment makes the “club” the hard shell of the seed that Life must break through into the pure light of a new ethos.  The nature of the mind and the “club” to preserve and protect knowledge is also an impediment to the easy assimilation of new knowledge necessary to adapt to new external environments.  This fact makes periods of succession more disturbing and dangerous to the organization by nature.

How does our body, heart, mind triad handle this important and yet dangerous transition from one ethos to another?  More than any other tool, sleep and dreaming (imagination) are the reconciling forces the body and heart use to help the mind see the consequences of its actions and adapt to changing circumstances.  The process of withdrawing attention we know as “going to sleep” when done properly, is a refinement of the day’s ingestion of light with its “good” and “bad” memories.  Upon the approach to sleep, a strong and active heart will awaken as the wise teacher to review the day’s experiences.

Elections in a democracy are our best feedback mechanism, so far, in the development of an external feedback mechanism for the government and mind of a human organization.  Here the people's hearts and bodies get to express themselves and make a change.  A young supple mind and a good political representative will readily take feedback and change positions.  A wise representative and a mature mind will defend and explain itself to the heart and the body.  This internal dialogue should play out overnight before sleep to ensure a restful slumber or else the mind will play out alternative scenarios in the dreamscape.

It is natural for the mind to defend itself from the outer world and rapid change.  The mind grows up protecting the heart and body from the repeated abuses of overly emotional reactions by the heart and the physical hurt that accompanies being too exposed to the external environment.  Our mind is our own internal wizard that uses mental energy to erect a labyrinth around the heart and its zero point of conscience.  But all too often the mind acts like the prime minister of a youthful sovereign because it is tasked and trained with protecting the young heart and cannot evolve into a mature sovereign. It is not the mind or the government’s “fault”  because our world has lost the grand design of the place of patriarchy and succession.

Patriarchy and mind are always and forever a defense and a protector of the core essence of the human just like the outer shell of a seed.  Its job is to never surrender until the external environment allows it to soften and the internal pressure causes it to burst.  The succession from one age to another is a lawful boundary the patriarchy defends and protects….and surrenders to only after using all its hard shell as the initiator of the strongest reaction towards the new light shining down on humanity.

With these eyes please look upon the world patriarchy today.  They are not evil, even with their tendency to secrecy, depopulation, and technocracy.  It’s just an act, hopefully. There is that moment when the abusive father has overplayed his hand and his legitimate authority with his children has been so spent that the grown and mature child, like the young sovereign, slaps the old prime minister down and puts him in his place.  The true secret of the mind is that it is in service to the heart as sovereign or it has become concrete paving over the seed of new life.

The real question today for western civilization is “Will it surrender to the sovereignty of the heart of humanity?” or continue to justify its abuse until the heart and body pull the plug with a knife in the back?  Patriarchy by its nature and design demands succession.  A good father knows how to initiate with resistance and then abdicate with grace.  Will we? 


Zero Point


Autoimmune Disorder