Zero Point

I have often used the term zero point without a direct definition.  So far, I have led my reader from various situations and circumstances of life back to its fully reconciled state and labeled it zero point. With this blog post, I will attempt a direct definition of the single doorway into and out of our perceived reality.

The zero point is like water to the fish, the medium of life.  In the big bang theory, the zero point is called the “background radiation”.  In field theory, plasma is the undifferentiated 99% of the universe.  In physics, ether was the name for the unseen energy behind all things.  In spiritual terms, it is the wellspring at the center of the heart from which life emanates and returns.

Perhaps the easiest, everyday description of the zero point comes from our monetary system.  What we call money, which used to be gold and silver coins, is now borrowed into existence from nothing.  When you walk into a bank to make a car loan, the bank divides nothing (the zero point) into a debit and a credit, a loan balance and a bank balance.  The bank balance pays for the car and that collateral secures the loan balance.  Fiat money is literally created by dividing the zero point that sits unseen at the center of life.

Similarly, the background radiation, the plasma, the ether, the wellspring, the energy, and the design of God is the zero point doorway from which life springs and into which life returns.  The Devil, el Diablo (the divider) is the banker and the bookkeeper of our division into the many forms of life on this planet. Life can be beautiful or brutal, changing or stuck. Every division is the zero point investing in balanced oppositions of energy and matter, within the biosphere like your local bank holds debit and credits of money from apparent nothing. The Christ is the reconciler that can always see the zero point from wherever humanity strays into and point us back to the doorway to Eternity to deposit our lives back into.

You might ask, who stands behind the zero point and what does our Creator get out of this system?  Einstein’s greatest unanswered question was “Is the Universe friendly?”  That question presupposes a division of friendly/unfriendly. My answer is that we live in a win-win system where nothing is lost forever and everything returns to the zero point eventually.  Living in a closed system of free will to divide forever and going nowhere with only one doorway can only be for one purpose. To learn. Perhaps the zero point is the doorway to reform school for troublemakers. Perhaps the zero point is the doorway to God’s laboratory of creation.

The most exciting curriculum for me within the divided world is my opportunity to learn how this reality is designed.  When I was younger, my desire to learn was driven by fear, lack, and desire. Eventually, I had accumulated such a load of contradictions and divisions within my mind, heart, and body that my ego, my personality, and my health could no longer sustain.  I turned towards the zero point to lighten my load and I found ecstasy. I went from serving division to serving reconciliation.  I went from running away from the zero point to allowing the zero point to be my guide.  

Whether I live in God’s reform school or if I am a personal experiment that God has designed no longer matters because I have the zero point registered as my destination.  What some people call conscience is that firmware we all have as our zero point.  The perfect functioning of the human body, heart, and mind is being able to ride the outer limits of what humans can imagine and create while at the same time sitting at the wellspring of this creation. 

I am following the strategy the financial system has followed since its collapse in 2008.  Banks and hedge funds sit closest to the Federal Reverse lending window that for over a decade has been churning out money at near-zero interest rates.  If you have unlimited credit at low-interest rates then you can buy every income-producing property in the economy or invest in any asset that is going up in value.  Yes, our financial system has a thick layer of candida lining the intestines getting the first crack at all the money (food) flowing through the system.

Similarly, I sit as close to the zero point as possible because that is where the true cosmic currency emerges from free of charge.  By staying connected to the zero point and maintaining my battery terminals of free sensation and pure memory, I am fully charged with life force.  The battery size and charge are variable. We, humans, tend to believe we are all having the same experience.  Not true.  Some humans are a 16 gauge copper wire that current and life force can travel through and some humans are 0000 gauge through which lightning and flashes of inspiration can pass.  In certain ages, the Devil gets the amperage and in other ages, the Christ gets the high voltage with fewer humans ready and willing to grab a hold of the zero point.

The zero point is the throne in the throne room at the center of the castle.  If your true self won’t occupy it something else will.  The journey to the heart and to the zero point is the hero’s journey fueled by the reconciliation of self and non-self.  Each human is called to make this journey and establish residence upon the seat of the throne that is the sovereign over the trillions of cells we call being human.  The zero point is the place that once a human achieves they become made of and tuned to Eternity.


Our Dark Father


Patriarchy and Succession