Our Dark Father

In the realm of spirituality, the feminine aspect is well defined into the Virgin Mary light side and the Kali dark side. On the contrary, the masculine aspect of divinity is rarely observed from its dark aspect.  Perhaps this is because the Abrahamic religions and Christianity, as their offshoot of the obedient Son of the Father of Light, only explore one side, the Father as Light and Omnipotent.  No one was allowed to consider God as old, stupid, and dark.

To be clear, the Devil, as the divider, is often considered the dark aspect of the masculine God but this confuses ignorance with evil.  Evil as wielded by the Devil is wickedly intelligent in its mission to create and sustain division for the proper functioning of the cosmonomic system of energy creation and storage within the biosphere.  The dark father is just lost. 

Perhaps it has been taboo to explore when and how the masculine principal becomes ignorant, at least from a religious sense.  But as a shadow projection, the stupid father figure has been a staple of commercial and broadcast television going back to the fictional and outrageous Archie Bunker.  Fifty years of unconscious assault upon the patriarchy.  And we can see its toll.

In the competitive and self-balancing nature of human organisms, the superior capacity for violence and harm by the father, the mind, or the government has been countered in various ways.  The body puts the mind to sleep and the heart uses emotion to give conscience to the mind.  In emergency situations, the heart and the body use a short and sharp release of anti-gravity we call a sneeze to clear the mind.  

These routine maintenance events within the body, heart, mind system are not yet adapted to larger human organizations.  Therefore we end up with 50 years of unconscious assault upon manhood leading to a bloody revolution or a dark authoritarianism. These specters are fully in our face.  But these reactions are as ignorant as the dark father himself. So perhaps it is time to explore and understand the dark aspect of the Father God whose omnipotence is self-blinding.

As much as there has been this unconscious assault upon the father in media there’s another and greater expression of our fear in media, a la 1984-style authoritarianism.  It’s not like this is an irrational fear after the real history of the last century with its assortment of dark father figures from both the Left and the Right.  We have routinely been herded or seduced into completely stupid courses of public policy by the dark father. So perhaps this unconscious attack within Western Civilization upon our own and the world’s leadership is a step towards a legitimate balance of power.

The often humorous depictions of the dark, stupid father are rationally the safest way to confront a power that can crush us but I contend that it is unsupported and dangerous by the standards of bioadministration and invites the reaction we most fear. Taunting a bull might feel good but is short-lived. That was the court jester’s job for the king. It was a conscious relationship openly acknowledged by all parties.  Someone was allowed to openly attack the king in his own court and now on television. Sarcasm, from the root Latin word sarcs, meaning the tearing of flesh, has always meant harm to the object of that kind of “humor”.  

Tearing down the father is not productive and his current darkness is our long-viewed shadow projection made manifest. Whereas, honoring the father, the ultimate weapon against a superior force has been forgotten.  Bringing dad his pipe and slippers is foreign and even ridiculous to us today versus the fathers that came home from WWII who defeated the dark father figures who deserved any and all honor that we could devise.  And that was the dynamic in the 1950s.  Who broke the agreement first?  The dark father.  In hindsight, we can see the intelligent, bright force that won WWII became the military/industrial/security/corporate/congressional complex who saw the “wisdom” of killing a sitting president in broad daylight.  How can we honor that father?

The inability to honor our father, especially our dark father, is always an initiating force.  A stupid action by the mind (killing a president) is immediately reacted to by the body with physical and emotional pain.  And pain properly applied is the only way to get the dark father’s attention.  Martin Luther King administered pain one way and the Black Panthers another.  I content that both of those reactions were true honoring of the government while the white folk were hiding behind their learned responsibility to honor the father without regard to light or dark aspect showing.

True honor of the power and place of the father role, demands we administer pain as often and as loudly as our own body and heart do immediately and routinely.  But not through sarcasm or media depictions of the stupid father that can only lead to revolution or totalitarianism.  There is no honor in that path for anyone.  Honor thy Father by being in full relationship with Him.  Omnipotence and going to war to fight ignorance is a heavy burden to bare.  And yet it is the failure to honor our government with true and immediate feedback which forces this dark and light dynamic upon our world.

We cannot cut off our head but we can put it to sleep. We cannot cut off the flow of true and real feedback to the mind without feeding a dangerous stupidity.  I see humanity waking up to the dark father so apparent during COVID.  The fight against the current dark father, who used every tool in his arsenal from censorship to lying to money printing to incarceration is still raging and the people have only become stronger and more vocal.

The dark father is the initiator of a new age.  A nuclear bomb (massive light) is released by an implosion upon the nuclear core.  We can honor the dark father as the force that wakes us up to our next age.  His death and rebirth is vital to our new life.  Thank you dark father.  I will no longer passively make fun of you.  I will honor you with clear and forceful feedback to reflect your darkness upon yourself until the oppressive nature of your own ignorance becomes the nuclear trigger of our next age with a fresh and clear mind….and father.


People Power II


Zero Point