People Power II

In order for our next civilization to evolve, or to even form, will require an empowerment of the people as sovereign nodes fully sharing their unique expression of life within a win-win ecosystem.  That is a tall order, especially in the face of the emerging technocracy.

Technology cuts both ways, potentially empowering or enslaving.  The gun was, at first, a new technology reserved for service to the state.  Now, with guerrilla warfare and feminine self-defense, guns are an outstanding example of people power.  Surveillance technology and autonomous law enforcement will also be used to attempt to enslave humanity.  At first.  We can already see hackers who can steal away control and reveal secrets of the powerful. What happens when the first oligarch is assassinated by a machine? And the distributed ledger technology best known as Bitcoin threatens to eliminate any centralized control over the monetary system.

The masculine principle and its patriarchy is always inventing ways to manage and control the organization. Hooray! That’s its job.  It’s when the women and children do not trust that authority or feel the need to hide from that authority which should trigger the patriarchy to remember the power their fellow travelers within the organism can wield.  The heart and the body are not something separate to be abused without recourse.  Today we will explore people power.

The attention the mind requires to operate comes as donations of sensation from trillions of individual cells that is recalled every night in sleep.  No other organ can assemble the level of attention the mind can nor has the sense organs to interface with the outside world.  Each cell of the body has agreed to this donation relationship because of the human organization into the best designed win-win partnership on the planet.  Being an amoeba is very limiting versus being a single cell participating in a massive collective called a human that can be the best deal in the universe.  That is, if, the blank stupidity of the fresh mind can learn its lessons quickly and easily.

Our collective human mind as represented by our governments has not been good stewards of our collective attention recently.  This happens often within the human organism.  It is called accidents, mistakes, injury, and suffering to name but a few conditions our young minds involve us in.  These describe a few of the many feedback mechanisms the body and the people have to inform the mind of its error.  Can the mind know its error without feedback from the body?  Can the government know its error without feedback from the people? No.

We may believe it is the external world that teaches the mind.  But the mind is really the child of the body and goes to sleep in its arms every night. The same feedback loop and reboot works for governments and their people too. Representative democracy and its routine system of electing new representatives is designed to mimic the government’s dependency upon its people. Unfortunately, money and power have always corrupted republics into a kleptocracy. And here we stand today.

The populous arising from the political right in defense against the harvesting of the core strength and value of the culture of America is a major NO WAY signal from the body to the mind. This is the first real sign of a full civilizational reboot along the lines of Russia and China in the 20th century.  Both were triggered by the people demanding freedom from an oppressive and corrupt mind.  Both of these peoples also settled for the re-establishing of authoritarian governments to restore order to the broken mind.  How will the United States fare in its reboot?  That depends upon the people and their empowerment.

America has no history of dynastic or authoritarian rulership, unlike Russia or China.  America is populated with people who escaped corrupted minds and governments.  America has discovered and maintained the best win-win balance between government and people so far in recorded human history.  The standing wave of vibration from the people will ensure freedom reigns even if that means there is no central government.  People power means we will return to tribes on the open plains before we will accept the authoritarian technocracy the current crop of kleptocrats has envisioned.

People power will win.  I pray for and I write to encourage a way forward based on the natural way the body treats the mind as a wayward child with discipline, feedback, and sleep.  We all know our own minds can be tyrants who bluster and bloviate.  We the people, like great parents of exploring children, will, at first, enjoy the willful expressions of their offspring.  But we all know where this ends, even the child and the government knows.  With a power struggle where the people and the parents always win.

No parent should enjoy disciplining their child.  The people do not relish the task of correcting their wayward government…and there is no other way forward.  The only variable is the elegance of the method by which the people demonstrate their power.  Let us start with a firm and loving embrace of our own confused creation.




Our Dark Father