
I recently did a legal Ketamine therapy, at home in my own bed.  Ketamine was designed as a general anesthetic used when operating on the bodies of children and animals.  It is the perfect chemical device to occupy and reawaken an innocent mind of a child or an animal after a traumatic operation.  As a therapy, when combined in a curated experience of sound, light, and space to support the medicine and no physical trauma to repair, the mind is reduced (after clearing psychic debris) to a state I call emergence. 

To an adult like me, waking life is sometimes a traumatic operation. I recently discovered my mother drowned in her bathtub and have been dealing with all the external and surface trauma of this event in the outer world.  Ketamine with its core vibration of emergence allowed me to face these changes in my personal life with the continuous emergence of Life itself where my mother and I are still one and always will be.

I have helped shepherd the emergence of entheogenic chemical compounds and plants as tools of personal, tribal, and civilizational healing for thirty years.  I saw and felt the power of touching Eternity these inebriants and their spirit guides allow.  Cosmonomics sprang from these explorations during my personal journeys into my inner universe and learning the discrete vibrations that operate this reality. Today, we will focus on one of the least understood of these core vibrations, called emergence as the counterbalance and partner to reconciliation.

Remember the way of Christ is as the reconciler.  He could forgive anything and everything back into the glory of God.  The Piscine age was focused on teaching humanity the pathway to the zero point of Eternity through reconciliation within the heart.  But an uncontrolled reconciliation is death.  And death is only the front side of a reboot or a reset.  Emergence or re-emergence is the other side of the coin we rarely see.  I believe our next age of humanity if we progress, involves our understanding and wielding of emergence.

Cosmonomics teaches us the cosmic need for reconciliation that most humans do not discover until the death journey.  But the great theme at the opening of the next age is The Great Reset.  By definition, to die…and be reborn.  We understand reconciliation but have yet to explore the emergence that fuels all life.  This topic may have been taboo to discuss publicly because dying harvests the reconciling force, the most valuable cosmic currency humans ever touch.  Harvested by who and for what purpose? 

A reboot or a reset follows the same cosmic laws as a black hole. At the event horizon on the edge of a black hole, every bit of light, or memorized sensation is drawn in to die.  And the event horizon is also radiating pure sensation.  Sensation with radiation is emergence.  Radiation, as a component of emergence, means direction or intent.  The Great Reset intends to harvest life and return it with emergence, conscious intent. The taboo is set by the intenders of the direction of the emergence.

If you want to play God with the harvest of human death and its reconciling force and also set the direction (do magic) of the emergence post reset, then you might be inclined to secrecy.  You might also feel while playing God in the re-emergence of humanity after a collapse that you know best the direction that humanity should be led.  Why share when you are playing God? That is the dilemma and the taboo. But I have cosmic news for these lesser gods. Emergence cannot deviate long from cosmic purpose and intent.

We humans, now that we can kill all humanity, the world economy, and potentially the biosphere, must begin to understand that a hidden, magical force called emergence has the power to fully complete a reset of Life.  We cannot allow the mind or the government to rule the reset any more than during sleep.  True emergence can only come from a force powerful enough to tear apart every human memory that has not earned its place within Eternity.  A black hole, as the feminine principle, uses death and rebirth to reset to Eternity. A star, as the masculine principle, uses radiation to drive off any other agendas within its unique sphere of light and Eternity.

Minds and governments must regularly suffer the process of surrendering to the greater will of humanity and its cosmic purpose.  Hungry ghosts and evil spirits are former humans whose minds still cannot surrender to Eternity and hang around looking to feed their story with living attention.  Nightmares too. Authoritarian governments have learned how to harvest the emergence of their people with stories that trigger emergence in a direction based on fear. 

Eternity is a big place with a lot of room to explore and pockets of time to hide within.  That is the human gift and curse, free will and to be fallen by design.  The hope of both human and God is that the core vibration of emergence into Eternity remains unfallen, unadulterated so wherever we find ourselves mentally and physically trapped within, there is an escape.  

If you doubt me just look at your pet or your child.  You too once lived with the vibration of emergence in full view. Open. Expectant. Creative. Wonder-filled. It was powerful enough to defend you from almost anything.  It may be hidden under layers of pain and scar tissue but if you are alive, the vibration of emergence is underlying everything you are and do.  Find the exit sign in every little room you currently inhabit. It is there.

I, for one, can attest to the ancient and modern tools used in ritual ceremony to accomplish a The Real Great Reset and the life that awaits you within emergence and Eternity.


Bioadministration and the Three Body Problem


People Power II