Autoimmune Disorder

During the 1918 pandemic, in the first wave of influenza, a preponderance of young healthy people died because of an over-reaction of the immune system.  Inflammation is a variable response mechanism the body uses to swell tissues with blood and interstitial fluid making each cell a citadel via osmotic pressure.  This is the perfectly designed response to a bug bite, walling off a foreign protein from spreading.  But swelling of the lung tissue is a dangerous strategy that cuts off oxygen.  Evolution taught our immune system the proper response.

The lesson is that our immune system is susceptible to an overreaction in acute trauma of a newly introduced disease and also in chronic low-level exposure to many of the man-made chemical compounds we eat, breathe or rub on our skin.  The true pandemic of our modern age is chronic inflammation.  We are overly exposed to a hostile environment of our own creation and our immune system has created a police-state-style systemic response. We call this being allergic.

The internal civil war of the body attacking itself is now called an autoimmune disorder.  Where this chronic disease used to affect very few people, now more than half the population of the west is at war with itself via chronic inflammation.  With the introduction of thousands of man-made chemical compounds, our livers have no history of and no enzymes to break down these alien invaders.  Add to that situation the only way to reverse inflammation is with negative ions we receive from the Earth.  Walking barefoot on the ground, breathing air after a thunderstorm, and sitting by a waterfall are fine examples of medicine we must absorb to chemically and electrically neutralize the inflammatory response.

This is all well-known and established medical science.  How does this translate into health conditions and public policy within a civilization?  From Epstein-Barr and shingles to cancerous tumors, this inability to maintain boundaries between self and non-self can be seen in the growth of our prison population, our social security disability roles, and our children born autistic.  An inflamed cell is an incarcerated cell, temporarily not able to be productive to the greater organism. When temporary becomes chronic inflammation, that is when society is pursuing policies sustaining the inflamed state with no anti-inflammatory policies.  Our immune system sees millions of non-functioning cells and loses the ability to restore true health because it has lost its sense of who and what belongs. It attacks everything. Autoimmune disease.  

There is no path of return to health, save civil war, because we have lost the essential connection to anti-inflammatory negative ions.  Public policy that promotes the over-assimilation of foreign thoughts and people while also cutting people off from the cultural and traditional methods of grounding out inflammation is misguided, self-reinforcing public policy.  The natural zero point between left and right, inflammatory versus anti-inflammatory has been shifted by politicians from the pursuit of homeostasis to the pursuit of centralized power.  Continuing to add inflammatory elements to the political body serves to stimulate greater and greater authoritarian and power-enhancing responses.  

There is no mystery here inside the body or outside.  There’s always a simple solution to chaos and disease.  Stop ingesting the poisonous thoughts, images, feelings, and sensations.  And the body will slowly stop overreacting, especially when grounded.  But the political class and all their associated parasites are feeding upon the inflammatory disharmony just like a sugary soda drinker has a billion cells of candida that need regular feeding and are plugged into the cell wall of our intestines, the physical boundary of self and non-self.  Don’t hate the candida for calling out “feed me or I will die”. Nature abhors a vacuum. Excess sugar running around the bloodstream is much more dangerous than hosting the buffering force of candida.  The only real solution is to slowly cut off its source of food and re-establish the dominion of self over non-self.

Similarly,  there is only one healthy solution to autoimmune disorder at the civilizational level.  Withdraw the inflammatory factors.  Easy money and credit are sugar.  Inflaming rhetoric in media is cortisol.  Pharmaceutical and social programs are, at best, temporary interventions, and as lifestyles are poisonous to self.  Liberalism and over-assimilation have triggered an auto-immune disorder.  Self-discipline and anti-inflammatory actions are the only healthy response or else anti-liberalism will naturally respond.

The autoimmune crisis in Western Civilization began in the 1980’s coincidentally with the AIDS (autoimmune deficiency syndrome) crisis after the external crisis of Vietnam, the death of Bretton Woods, the oil embargoes, and the Iranian hostage crisis of the 70s.  The first dose of nationalism as a remedy came with electing Reagan.  What looked like success in the Cold War was bought with deficit spending, deregulation, and a professional military.  All three short-term remedies were the initiators of our currently existential disease.

What bought us victory and temporary relief became our internal addictions to easy money, excessive speculation, and punishing interventions.  We are chronically inflamed with debt saturation, regulatory capture, and a modern-day Pretorian Guard.  Our civilization is wounded by our own hand and our own avoidance of hard choices of remedy for too long.

We stand at the cusp of a momentous choice between life or death.  If we choose life, there are two paths of return. One, civil war, autoimmune disorder of the body attacking itself until a new zero point is found.  Or two, returning to homeostasis with healthy boundaries and anti-inflammatories.  Civil war versus fasting and self-care.  I can prescribe a remedy, but we must choose one of two paths to save the life.  Do we want it hard?  Or do we want it easy?  


Patriarchy and Succession


Doctor of Civilization