Doctor of Civilization

We have long had philosophers and historians.  More recently we have added political scientists and psychologists.  But unless there is a secret course of study among the Free Masons, no science has arisen to give diagnosis and healing remedy to the human organization we call civilization.

A few historians have recently documented why civilizations have spread and why they have fallen.  But like a doctor of humans must know what health and homeostasis are for the single human, a doctor of civilization must penetrate the core mystery of why civilizations are born and for what cosmic purpose is the zero point of homeostasis for this greater body to return to.  

For example, globalization is supported by the economic theory of efficient production but is sick as an organization even though it is still massively and efficiently producing.  Something is missing.  In this case, fear of interdependence and loss of local control of basic necessities.  Any rational thinking could have seen from the beginning this flaw in design and yet we still built a fragile world around the idea of maximizing efficiency dependent on an unsustainable level of trust.  Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) worked for nuclear weapon restraint because we trusted we would blow each other up but the destruction of the world trade system has advantages and disadvantages depending on local geography and economy.  It was always going to be throttled for advantage.

To a doctor of civilization, this rise and fall of globalization was his patient having a mild flu,  simply an excess of life meeting its natural rebalancing counter-trend.  Globalization was a wonderful learning opportunity for the soul of humanity in mutual trust of win-win partnership.  And it is also a wonderful reminder of the principle of citadelization and its demanding return to decentralized sleep every cycle.  Globalization was a rookie mistake by the do-gooders and has led to a “drive-by shooting” from the divide and conquerors.  See European energy markets.

My goal with BCC Institute is to lead an awakening to all the factors which must be considered and incorporated into the conscious and successful design of our next civilization.  And every theory must be informed and tested using the as above, so below principle.  If there is a divine blueprint, it is certainly in the human design tested by Nature. A doctor of civilization must understand the health and disease of the individual human organization as well as the order of the surrounding cosmos to have the organizing principles to rise above the periodic chaos and ignorance rained upon humanity by both men and cosmos.

Among the first principles of a doctor of civilization is understanding the economy of life force, what the Chinese call chi.  In cosmonomics, we take this ancient principle and, to give its name a common meaning and understanding, we call it sensation. Like a blank tape, sensation is written upon by light and memory creating memorized sensation. We use memorized sensation to build the ego walls around the heart to prevent emotional outbursts and fits of crying so common in our childhood.  We use mental contradictions in our minds to filter impressions to a manageable level we call our personality.  And we hold our life’s history in our body tissues for the death journey. Civilizations use the same mechanisms called culture, tradition, and history to defend and extend their existence.

Free sensation of negative ions from Earth with the original memory of pure sunlight from the Sun felt in the heart is the zero point of this creation.  Every living thing and every culture has this common attractor around which personal purpose and institutionalized religion are established. Of course, the words free and pure mean free and pure of human agenda but not of Nature and God. Humans have a purpose and a debt of our existence and the deposit window is the zero point.  The ability to know the substance and quality of the energy that humans must supply to the cosmos, on-demand, is crucial for the doctor of civilization.

A doctor of civilization recognizes we humans are not at the top of the energetic food chain and incorporates this fact as the often hidden factor in the health and disease of human organizations. The division, storage, and reconciliation of memorized sensation being “the food of the gods” is the law of civilization.  Without this understanding of human purpose to the cosmos, there can be no conscious design of a civilization in harmony with its created purpose.  

To help see this point, look back upon western civilization with its phase of colonization.  Its purpose was to “raise the dead” as trapped physical and psychic energies from the Earth and to feed the physical and mental bodies of all humanity with an abundance of life force and mental images.  The Christian religion, partnered with western civilization, was a teaching to refine the wounds and contradictions of this energized and connected modern life by reconciliation back into the zero point finer and finer emotional expressions of free sensation and pure memory we call love.  The “peace that surpasses all understanding” is the human reconciling life back into the zero point.

I am not excusing the violence the West has rained upon humanity, I am simply observing as a doctor how ruthless both Nature and Cosmos, mother and father are in both forcing and inviting humanity into new levels of human organization.  Humanity lives inside the body of God and cannot judge ourselves any differently than a liver cell or a macrophage can judge its God. You. I am giving example of Western Civilization to the core purpose of human organization and its expressions en mass called civilization.  These are divine projects, with purpose.  Know their purpose or careen from one “accident” to the next.

Priests and politicians love to bend and weave current events and history to their purposes. A doctor of civilization simply wants to relieve suffering and disease by understanding the human creative purpose and to design remedies to return us to harmony with Nature and Cosmos by giving these overwhelming forces the energy we were created to produce.  We can give grateful praise or we can be brutally milked.  But pay we must.

How we each play the game of life is an individual human choice.  How civilizations make life more harmonious with Nature and Cosmos or pass away is a job for the new doctors of civilization.


Autoimmune Disorder


Bedtime for Washington