Bedtime for Washington

I have been studying the idea of a planned reboot of our civilization for over 25 years.  In 1997, I formulated a Presidential campaign with the platform of a one-year controlled reboot of the United States to celebrate a new millennium.  I worked out the operational plan and justification based on cost-benefit to the soul of our nation versus the machine of the modern economy.  What happened was, I decided that shutting down the whole economy at once was too authoritarian and should be voluntary.  I went first.

My wife and I moved our family with our four young children from an upper-middle-class West Austin enclave to 88 acres of raw and undeveloped ranch land 15 miles outside of town.  We lived in a yurt for seven years with no air conditioning or any other electronic device and a wood-burning stove for heat in winter.  With only candles and flashlights the first two years, at sundown, we would head to the yurt and invest the next several hours entertaining each other with music, plays, and reading the classics.  Daytime was homeschooling, gardening, bison herding, and home building. 

Within ten years we were living in a large air-conditioned home we designed and built ourselves and helped launch the eco-tourism industry with the first zipline canopy tour in the continental United States.  More importantly, my whole value structure changed.  I knew firsthand how hard it is to grow your own food.  I knew whatever I built myself would be a microcosm of my own strengths and weaknesses.  I knew that I could not “make” a herd of bison or Nature do anything, but I could entice it with incentives and nurturing.  

My mid-life reboot was life-changing and life-saving.  Patterns accumulate into endless loops and then with time we are stuck, too old to change.  I was perfectly ready for the 2020 pandemic (or plandemic) shutdown of my business and the economy. It was a fun nap for my Texas family and a shit show for my California family.  The difference was where the fear led each half. One side fought back with health and truth while the other side drank the Koolaide and went back for seconds.

Washington shut down the country.  The mind put the people to sleep.  This is a violation of nature that could be a mortal wound for our country.  It is the body and the people who are, by nature, to decide when the mind and the government need a night of rest.  The focus of the point of attention within the mind can no longer be maintained because attention is the focusing of sensation. When light is available to write memory upon, sensations are donated to the mind all day long from the trillions of cells that make up our body.  It is the mind's job to be the assimilator of information and light and our interface with the outside world.  Being our explorers, our minds are naturally prone to error and confusion.  They need periodic rest, remembering, and recreation of our shared humanity.  And yet our mind in Washington cannot even imagine any value, only a threat to a natural and peaceful night of rest.

Washington uses deficit spending like amphetamines, law enforcement like steroids, and the news media as fear porn and propaganda to keep the people running on the hamster wheel. At the same time, it refuses to release the attention it needs captive to prevent any controlled and natural period of surrender and self-inspection.  Now, with the COVID fiasco perpetuated by both parties in Washington the people all see the Emperor has no clothes and cannot un-see its ugly nakedness.  Some people still choose to defend their political party or favorite personality with their brand, but the ultimate sin has been committed.  The mind has declared war on its body.  This is now an undeniable life-or-death struggle.

We cannot un-see that our supposed democracy has been for sale with rigged voting machines and Citizens United corporate free for all for at least twenty years.  We cannot un-see the financial bailouts and the rigged justice system that power the Washington mind against the people.  Sleep is inevitable and so is the epic fall of our power-mad, drugged up, and terrified to go home teenage mind.  To expect any rational or mature or honest response to our withdrawal of attention from the mind is as infantile as the mind itself.  We the people have been slapped, pinched, and spanked awake and we cannot nor will not stop until the Washington mind surrenders to natural law.

The mind putting the body to sleep is death to the entire system.  The body putting the mind to sleep is the protection of the system.  We have reached that point of the restless night of the troubled mind that would rather shoot itself in the head or eat a bottle of pills to enshrine the sick thought patterns by crashing the gates of Hell. Washington and our current state of mind know they cannot survive the reality check of a complete reboot and the cold light of morning.  Their only path forward is to further entrap the attention from escape by further amping up authoritarian control…or to surrender to the body.

We, the people, of the United States of America in order to form a more perfect union must ensure domestic tranquility by withdrawing our attention from Washington.  We will start by practicing the citadelization of all the routine and necessary functions of government down to the optimum local level along with the tax dollars to fund it.  The military will be withdrawn from foreign soil or be made private for that local country to adopt and fund.  We people will escrow all our federal tax dollars until such time as all flow of funds, save for social security, stop.  And everybody in Washington from the president to the lobbyists, the cabinet secretaries to the janitors become meaningless in our lives for a year.

Since they tried to put us asleep against all natural law, all previously elected officials and appointees are barred from returning to office.  Ethics rules for any self-dealing or later hiring of any federal official has severe civil and criminal penalties and are religiously enforced.  The people, through internet chat and blockchain voting set the main agenda for action, i.e. health care or education for the next three-year period.  We then elect for a single term experts in the chosen field of focus for reform legislation that they cannot personally benefit from.  And then after three years of mental course correction, we lay Washington fallow again for a year, to put it to sleep and again discover what the people want to focus on for the next three-year period.

I have deep personal experience with the value of putting our mind to sleep and letting the healing process of that periodic surrender reform our ethos.  Now that it has become a serious life or death struggle between mind and body, we must ally with our hearts to find the way to gently seduce our minds to healing sleep.  I made several lethal mistakes trying to force my bison herd to my mental path. And I discovered the hard way that true power lies in the heart/body of passive attraction.  Let’s take Washington into our sweet surrender.


Doctor of Civilization


Atlas Shrugged Rewritten