Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

The Currency of Life Force II

Last week we looked at the most superficial layers of the money system and its corruption within our modern political system with some disciplinary recommendations.  The mind can be a terrible waster of life force.  So can government.  They both need a currency system that has hard limits to prevent their unwise actions.  The mind, as our leader, with full access to the stored wealth of the body is slavery and a guaranteed crash and burn, maybe death.  Our government, with a blank check, will purchase the entire nation with the people’s own power.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Bedtime for Washington

I have been studying the idea of a planned reboot of our civilization for over 25 years.  In 1997 I formulated a Presidential campaign with the platform of a one-year controlled reboot of the United States to celebrate a new millennium.  I worked out the operational plan and justification based on cost-benefit to the soul of our nation versus the machine of the modern economy.  What happened was, I decided that shutting down the whole economy at once was too authoritarian and should be voluntary.  I went first.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Atlas Shrugged Rewritten

The classic story of Atlas Shrugged contains a fictional response of what happens when the body of an organization becomes riddled with cancerous cells and the mind responds with more and more authoritarian control weighing down the heart and the creative class to run and hide.  The glorification of Ayn Rand’s heroes’ self-serving, self-righteous escape to encourage the system collapse is as polluted as her personal life story.  As satisfying as it can be to use division to wall our hearts off from our human design to find reconciliation even in a fight, it is always a failure to run and hide with no plan of return.

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