Mental Citadelization

The power of the mind depends on its ability to gather and coalesce sensation from the body into attention.  With adequate attention the mind can assimilate the input from the senses, search its memory banks for similarities and determine a course of action.  Our mind is our tactical leader, no matter its I.Q.

But the body supplying the attention has the duty and responsibility to give feedback via pain and exhaustion and illness.  The heart has the responsibility to guide and soften the communications and actions of the mind by providing real time feeling and feedback being received from the other citizens of your organization.

The human organism is the best mental management of choices, power, and actions for the entire body so far invented by life. In politics and government?….not so much.  When humanity can establish an effective and fair working relationship between government and its people, we could be in a golden age.  How do we get there?

The main power the people have to effect change is our ability to give attention to our government or to withdraw it.  And it seems the best political systems model this effective relationship between mind and body we codify as citadelization.  Are the people self-sufficient enough to say no, “I do not support this mental choice of action”?  If we look at the current state of localized independence, do the people have supply all the basic necessities of food, water and shelter and have the independence of feelings expressed from conscience  (not blocked by propaganda and forceful mental programming)?  We can see we are a long way from the power of “no” and are perhaps going farther astray.

On the external side of geopolitics, the citadelization of nations with separate government minds does much to restrain the leadership of a single nation from being too abusive to its own body for the simple fact there is a competitor forcing relative harmony and strength of action within the nation state to protect itself.  Yet even with this competition among nations for centuries, an end state “survival of the fittest” government mind has yet to arise.

Democracies are claimed to be the best system of government/people balance but is this only a sugar high from borrowing and spending a fictitious abundance via debt based fiat currency?  Wars are won between nation states by authoritarian discipline within a unified culture convinced of its righteousness.  So whether the disharmony is outside of the nation via war or inside the nation via economic stress the errors of organization usually come from the mind and government.

It is the responsibility of the people to discipline the government…via citadelization.  The power of “no, I will not participate” has proven to be the best response to our mind and our government.  Our governments have added organs of control like forced taxation, standing domestic armies of soldiers and police, consumer credit/debt slavery and now invasive surveillance coupled with censorship and mental manipulation to blunt our ability to say no to the system.  Add to this the economics of globalization and specialization has increased each workers productivity but also cut us off from self-sufficiency.

Clearly, the imbalance of power between government and its people has become extreme and frankly unsustainable.  Our collective mind is on the verge of systemic mistake or the hangover of a debt fueled black out drunk.  The mind by its own structure cannot reform itself without feedback from its external world, whether from within or outside.  Therefore, the people must discipline the government before a war with another state or internal collapse provides the lesson.

It seems the structure of representative democracy, as established within the United States to regulate the government-people relationship, has broken down.  Special interest money funding elections has become overtly obscene.  Manipulation via social media is endemic.  Institutions of social programs, regulations and taxation lock elements of the people into opposition and stagnation.  Election outcomes no longer respond or seem to effect real policy change.

COVID and the excess of government action over our lives seems to have started a systemic push back of some states and individuals to atomize the collective power of our federal government.  The disharmony of a majority of citizens when either the Republicans or the Democrats are in power is a reflection of a seriously eroded faith in our collective mind to perform its task.

To begin the rebalancing of the power dynamic between people and their government the people start to “think” for themselves.  We see the growth of home based businesses and the gig economy.  We see a huge growth in farmer’s markets and the “prep-er” movement.  Digital tribes are forming through the internet and crypto currencies are a form of money and exchange outside the control of government.  Alternative medicine, home schooling and group ritual ceremony are thriving. This drive to create citadels of self interest and self sufficiency is the natural response to poor leadership of our collective systems.

The citizens of the United States are preparing to put its government to sleep as gently and peacefully as possible.  Watching the revolutions in Russia and China as well as WWI and WWII in the last century does not give any comfort in imaging America’s destiny within this rebalancing.  I feel our best chance is to reboot towards the divine blueprint each of our bodies carry and the harmonious relationship of the human mind, heart and body via bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization.

When collective action is clearly abusive to body and hurtful to heart then mind has lost its way. Step one is the natural reboot of the mind every night during sleep by citadelization.  Clear your mind and embrace yourself first and always. Make a plan for yourself, your family and your tribe.   Act on your plan.


The Debt of Human Existence


The Currency of Life Force