The Debt of Human Existence

Of all the responsibilities a human awakens to along the journey of life, the debt of our existence itself is often a missed realization and acceptance.  We have our conscience, like a nagging parent, offering unsolicited advise if we will listen.  Otherwise, we humans have lost nearly all understanding of our place in the cosmos and why we were created.  Not knowing our mission makes us ineffective and generally open to manipulation and energetic harvesting.

Let’s start exposing ourselves to the Light with this question. What if humans are not at the top of the energetic food chain?  If not, what is eating us?  Someone/something unseen.  What is the taboo against staring our “ranchers” in the face?  Who really wants to know what goes on behind the slaughterhouse door?  If that is not you, then look away. Here comes the debt of our existence.

Most people will agree they have a soul, some entity greater than their name or personality  living inside of us. Your soul is given a body on Earth for several reasons.  The most common and correct understanding is that eternal souls come to Earth to learn and to grow.  As true as this is, it is not the whole picture.  I coined the name cosmonomics to encompass as complete a picture as I have surmised of the energetic exchange and transmutations of human life in relation to the natural world of Earth and towards the greater cosmos, or God, if you choose.

The biosphere of Earth is both an open system and a closed system.  So too is the human both an open and a closed system.  We are self contained in each moment and yet we need to harvest energy on a regular basis which makes us dependent.  Cosmonomics assumes the blueprint of the win-win model of the evolved harmony of our internal organization is the ideal model for the human interaction with the outer world.  Like a single human cell is plugged into a story and a group consciousness that can never be achieved alone, we humans live in a humanity that is destined, some day, to organize into no less than a similarly spectacular order of being and accomplishment worthy of the same surrender our own cells have made to be human.

Perfecting the ability to harmoniously cooperate with all the other cells of humanity is the soul’s target and the conscience’s guide.  This is the catnip’s mysterious lure and dopamine’s guiding signal….to the end of the rainbow….at the end of time.  The debt of our existence is the hope and the dream of our Creator that we humans can willingly assemble into a harmony of existence that transcends what any single human can know or experience alone.  A single human hopefully reaches this state of love and harmony at death’s door but for humanity to reach this enlightened state is perhaps the carrot on a stick that will never be reached but keeps us striving.  Is the impossible dream just out of reach a strategy?

If we humans can be convinced of a perfected end state to strive for but at the same time face countless disturbances that throw us off balance sets up a perpetual motion machine.  If our world is structured upon the archetypes of the divider, the Devil, and the reconciler, the Christ, then we have the perfect modulators of the input and output of the perpetual motion machine. What does the machine produce? In a word love.

Could it be that fun and easy the true debt of our existence as a human on Earth is to simply live for the sake of love?  What is more natural? The biosphere of Earth is a storehouse and a generator of the primordial force of unity that is essentially the food of the gods.  Some unseen spirits are dividers of unity and some unseen spirits hold the world together.  But they all work for a Creator which is as close as what humanity is destined to become. The Macrocosm of our microcosm.  God is love and loves our love. This vortex is the only doorway in or out.

Of course, we all know being in the highest state of love is a high wire act filled with drama and accidents…even scars.  The true debt of our existence, to produce the reconciling force called love, is the most natural and at the same time the bravest act of all.  And think about the idea that the debt of our existence is also the test of our existence.  Given free will, how will our soul express itself?  If I ran Heaven then why waste all the energy enforcing the rules of Harmony instead of just letting in the souls that naturally choose harmony under any duress.  If I were king, this would be my court.

We may complain about this world being unfair and filled with suffering and death.  That is living in the toilet bowl of life ready to be flushed and deserving to be recycled.  Earth is a world of win-win-win from which there is no escape, only retakes.  That is how love rolls. It is inviting and patient and also the diamond hard teacher of the greatest mystery in the universe.  Life.

It may not seem like it but, outside of time, love has already conquered the entire universe with something we call Life.  Our little soul is practicing shining its light here on Earth by unearthing old memories of the human journey on the way to love’s victory. The redemption of ourselves and of Earth from our own bespoilment is one of God’s perfect win-win “traps” where we get to resurrect ourselves and the solar system in one lift.

Bottom line.  There is a debt to our existence.  And we owe it to ourselves. There is no boogie man behind the slaughterhouse door that we did not create to test our love. Outside of time, Life has already won.  Coming back to remember how to personally own this victory of love is not just living in a cruise controlled heaven somebody else earned and left us. It is the debt we pay ourselves to earn and own our Existence.


The Currency of Life Force II


Mental Citadelization