The Currency of Life Force

Our modern economy is built upon a system of exchanging units of value called currency.  These units we call dollars in the US are either paper or electronic and depend upon a system of creation and management that is planned to be just and fair.  No one can legally print their own dollar bills and no one can hack into a computer and change their balance without throwing off other related balances. But any bank can create money legally from thin air if they charge an interest rate that puts limits on the money’s unbridled growth.  And democracies attempt to limit their creation of dollars and the targeting of minority groupings by the majority for expropriation.

If this system of currency sounds rather arbitrary and possibly corruptible then you are correct to keep a weather eye on it.  Every single paper currency scheme invented and managed by humans has failed throughout history. We have yet to see the collapse of an electronic currency system but may not have long to wait.  What all these currency systems have in common is they are all built upon the invisible currency of life force, the ability to move, to see, to think and to feel. Life, as the ability to work and barter, has always taken over when these temporary human-created currency systems have collapsed. 

The two fundamental systems that arise again and again in the outer world from simple barter are called communism and capitalism.  Communism focuses on current work while capitalism focuses on past work.  Sharing versus saving.  But these ideals have always fallen into taking versus hoarding.  A family and a small tribe are best run on a basis of communism of sharing based on ability.  A large grouping of humans works best upon capital’s ability to discipline consumption and value saving by incentivizing work and allowing for failure.  

Either extreme communism or capitalism and any combination in between is overseen by a system of control and rules managed by humans and is therefore easily abused.  So if we can design a system resistant to the all repetitive abuses throughout all of history, even if it grows slowly, it will win because it does not fall down.  In the children’s story of the race between the tortoise and the hare, we know the slow and steady turtle wins the race.

If bioadministration is supposed to mimic the organization of the internal human and its currency of life force at the cellular level, how would it manage and handle currency creation, storage and exchange? Can we learn from our inner selves how to create a system of currency management immune from abuse or collapse?

Within the human body, we appear to have a commune that feeds everybody equally (even cancer cells) while we live within a total dictatorship that can kill any cell on demand.  It also appears there are many currencies of value both floating within the sea of life force running through bloodstream and also being hoarded within the treasuries of our internal organs. We also have specialized fat cells to store currency and we have “herds and flocks” of bacteria living in our gut that can be killed for their energy. There’s a lot to unpack.

The human internal currency system is complex and its exchange is based upon a balance of power between the opposites we classify as communism versus capitalism, group action versus individual needs.  And the bigger question is who rules? What rules? And when?  The primary division of rulership is based upon time, between awake and asleep.  Our dictator, our mind is forced into the reboot of sleep every night so that the individual cells of the body can rest and repair themselves.  Each cell does its own capitalistic time of self-evaluation to gather resources and expel waste based upon its own needs to prepare itself for whatever the waking communistic exertions (or delusions) the dictatorial mind assigns our energy towards.  Add in the arbiter of the heart center with its emotional exertions and protestations back to the mind and body.  In sleep and awake our emotions have the ability for massive control over the whole organism in extremis. 

Then we have, “being sick” and its energy domination.  Most people think it is our mind that rules the immune system but our little dictator within is protected from the immune cells entering the mind and our conscious mind has almost no ability to control our immune system and our energy reserves once we have the feeling of being ill.  There is a ruthless overload that shows up occasionally to clean house upon the entire human organization that has one mission, life over death.

Let’s start to refine the basic rules of a human currency system based upon what we have laid out so far.  One, the mind as our government must be given wide powers to act but only for a period of time with a hard reset and complete rest for the people.  While awake the emotional body must be allowed to freely speak to the mind in joy and fear to help direct its expenditures of energy.  The mind cannot have its own fat cells or energy reserves independent of the body. And any direct energetic association (lobbying and bribes) between any brain cell and any specific part of the body cannot be allowed.  An abundant stipend for our elected officials with a vow of poverty and complete transparency of all financial dealings for them and their family is step one on the path to bioadministration. 

Next, our justice system, as a representative of our immune system must be independent of the political system and ruthless in its application of the law.  They too must be supplied with adequate energy independent of outside control and answerable to the people.  We can have Yelp reviews and Rotten Tomatoes scores on everything else. So can all our public servants.  

These are just a few of the guidelines of our currency system that can prevent a collapse back to bartering necessities.  I started with the mind and our government because it has the hardest and most easily corrupted duty.  Over several blog posts, I will attempt to reveal a harmony between communism and capitalism based upon their appropriate application of a truly integrated currency system that honors sharing and saving while shunning the takers and the greedy.

Buckle up.  Everyone will get to surrender their pet project and their indoctrination to climb up to an enlightened currency system built upon the honor of life.  Life is wealth and wealth is life.  Both should grow together not at each other’s expense.


Mental Citadelization


Shifting Zero Point