Shifting Zero Point

There are large and nearly permanent zero points we experience and participate in like the plasma radiance we call our sun and the life force of our biosphere with its magnetic field centered in the core of the Earth. Then there are smaller localized zero points.  The weather with its low-pressure tornadoes and hurricanes are powerful, moving but transitory zero points.  Each human has a zero point some call their soul and some call their conscience. 

Tribes and civilizations have a zero point too.  Think of it as the organizing principal around which everyone is organized.  A zero point can be tactical or strategic.  A tribe on a journey to the “winter hunting grounds” has a well defined mission and destination everyone knows which allows the mental, emotional and physical energies to stay grounded within the container of the group.  The zero point is the actual “leader” of the tribe and the chief is the protector of the vortex of thoughts, feelings and movements flowing into the group and its mission.

A more strategic example of a shifting zero point and organizing principal of a nation was the United States during World War II.  This energy vortex consumed nearly the entire input and output of the nation and directed the outflow into an extremely powerful and transformative force.  Post WWII, the zero point of the United States has been gifting and imposing an order and an economy of technological progress and material comfort in an ever widening vortex with itself in the middle.  

The American storm has swept across the world and, for better or worse, the center’s organizing principal is collapsing.  Look at our health care system.  Look at our school system.  Look at our justice system.  Each one more represents a cancerous tumor feeding itself as its mission rather than being a healthy internal organ of a unified culture.  Look at our politicians and our president.  Do their actions make sense in any organized way one could describe as a unified powerful force with direction?

No.  The United States is shifting from one zero point to another zero point and this process is always a chaotic mess… at least for those humans, tribes and cultures who refuse to allow themselves to be reset by the greater zero points upon which life is built and must conform to.  Humans who cannot shut off the programmed light coming from their screens and bare the full light of the sun in their eyes are going to have trouble remaining human.  People who do not connect to the Earth through skin contact to dirt and water collecting the negative ions that counteract inflammation will never again be truly healthy.

When the organizing principal of the tribe or the civilization has been accomplished or breaks down then the obvious first step is to reconnect to the core zero points that sustain life.  Anyone attempting to organize a new zero point before rebooting themselves, first, should be shunned.  The journey to a new and powerful tactical zero point can only begin from a greater and more eternal ground zero.  

In fact, we are already tactically organizing into tribes for the purpose of the re-discovery and re-empowerment that comes from reconnecting with a health, an education and a justice that is more instinctual and driven by conscience. Not driven corporate profits or political power.  I have already written, and it bares repeating, the COVID debacle was an underground nuclear detonation beneath our civilization on par with the Inquisition that destroyed the authority of the Catholic church and launched the Enlightenment.  

The new zero point that will form over the next decades will be at least as substantial as the Enlightenment was to western civilization.  But we cannot yet even begin to see what the next age will be.  We are really just beginning the collapse.  All the social programs and economic excesses bought with fiat debt based money promised and enacted by politicians must be wiped away first.  Every easy solution has already been fed into the old zero point to sustain it another day.  

As each human awakens and pulls their attention away from the dying vortex and reconnects to their own personal and family vortexes of health, freedom and vitality another foundation stone for a new civilization is laid.  I drank this Kool-aide myself starting thirty years ago, not as a failure of the old system but as one of its “fair haired boys”.  I was a millionaire (when that was something more special), a former naval officer, a nominee for US Congress, an successful entrepreneur and a dedicated father.  I did not run from the system, I simply went to the next octave.  I started over, at a new level.

In those thirty years I found my own new organizing principals of bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization.  I share these with you freely and with no need to be followed for fame or money or any feeling of lack.  On the contrary, I feel extremely blessed and I am grateful for my life’s journey and I only feel my need to pay back all the helping hands, seen and unseen, offered to me along my journey to here and now.  

I have already shifted to my new zero point and I encourage you to find yours too. Willingly, with courage. Kicking and screaming are optional.  The journey is not optional.


The Currency of Life Force


Democracy Versus Citadelization