Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

The Currency of Life Force III

Our human currency system spans from the sensations arising out of Earth to cryptos in the cloud.  Both seem mysterious and vaporous.  The recent push for carbon credits might seem to connect the two ends of the spectrum as some kind of currency system but it is an agenda-driven artificial attempt to regulate life based on a questionable scientific theory open to advantageous interpretation.  

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

The Currency of Life Force II

Last week we looked at the most superficial layers of the money system and its corruption within our modern political system with some disciplinary recommendations.  The mind can be a terrible waster of life force.  So can government.  They both need a currency system that has hard limits to prevent their unwise actions.  The mind, as our leader, with full access to the stored wealth of the body is slavery and a guaranteed crash and burn, maybe death.  Our government, with a blank check, will purchase the entire nation with the people’s own power.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

The Currency of Life Force

Our modern economy is built upon a system of exchanging units of value called currency.  These units we call dollars in the US are either paper or electronic and depend upon a system of creation and management that is planned to be just and fair.  No one can legally print their own dollar bills and no one can hack into a computer and change their balance without throwing off other related balances. But any bank can create money legally from thin air if they charge an interest rate that puts limits on the money’s unbridled growth.  And democracies attempt to limit their creation of dollars and the targeting of minority groupings by the majority for expropriation.

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