The Currency of Life Force III

Our human currency system spans from the sensations arising out of Earth to cryptos in the cloud.  Both seem mysterious and vaporous.  The recent push for carbon credits might seem to connect the two ends of the spectrum as some kind of currency system but it is an agenda-driven artificial attempt to regulate life based on a questionable scientific theory open to advantageous interpretation.  

A true currency system that supports life cannot long be a tool of manipulation and domination.

The two extremes value, from earth and sky, are in a proxy war in Ukraine.  One side, the Russians and the Russian-speaking people of the Donbas are fighting as close to the primordial life force as possible. Dug into their historical homeland grinding out a war of attrition mainly with gunpowder and steel.  The other side, the Americans and Europeans are fighting with their electronic currency, trade embargoes and surveillance systems. The true center point of this conflict is not on the ground in Ukraine but in the energy markets.  The Russians with the physical oil and gas versus the West with their embargoes and price caps.  The war between the currency of potential energy in physical form and the electronic manipulation of markets will destroy the currency system of the West. I am already dealing with what is next. 

So today we will explore a different currency system that has the potential to reconnect the entire spectrum of life force in all forms from the most dense to the most rarified based on free will.  We have already talked about how to theoretically plug some of the leaks in the current currency system as an exercise. It is already dead. Here we will take a blank piece of paper and design a currency system from the bottom up. 

The first principle of the currency system is in its connection to the time value of human action.  Collecting wild berries, for example. There is effort over time to collect something valuable that can be exchanged.  Can a system this simple be applied to making a refrigerator to keep the berries cool?  We would need a steel factory, an electric motor factory and a chemical factory for the freon.  This is where communism or state capitalism fell down.  Creating complex and reliable consumer goods based on some system of centralized labor allocation and distribution failed miserably when compared to the free market applying life force to human need.  

The conscious mind that long observed the body learning and mastering how to run down a set of stairs still cannot perform this task any more than a government can direct a group of humans how to make a refrigerator.  Letting human need direct human action connected by a currency system that is uncorrupted and incorruptible is the gold standard.  Whether fascism or communism or now technocracy, they will all fail because a currency system run and manipulated by the centralized mind is not supported by life.  

The incentives for work must be based on receiving a fungible currency that could be saved or traded for personal use. The transfer of time and labor into currency should not have tolls or taxes collected by any third party not providing value to the transaction. Bitcoin was designed as the fairest system so far invented free of government control but it is too slow and depends upon a functioning and free internet. Plus it is open to speculation, theft and confiscation. These issues might be able to be resolved by moving to better encryption, direct transfer without third-party exchange and a stable value. 

We are very close to having a privately negotiated exchange of a stable value phone wallet to phone wallet with internal security free from theft, taxation or confiscation. This is what is possible via technology descending from the electronic realm if we can relieve ourselves from the parasites who will starve in this transition.  Everybody needs regular fasting to kill off the excess bacterial load living off of our overconsumption driven by those hungry parasites in our gut calling out to be fed.  This parasitic loop must be broken regularly.

From the other end of the currency system, pure life force from Earth, can we build a system to meet in the middle of what was just described as descending from the electronic world?  Life force, as chi, is much more communistic in sharing the energy of life.  The burning man festival started as a purely gifting microcosm with no money exchanged in the untamed dessert.  This noble experiment has been overwhelmed by outside money and diesel generators but at its original purest, it is a celebration of life and countless exchanges of life force by two individuals in sovereign agreement in that moment. 

There is a culture and an ethos of beauty, health and integrity arising out of the ashes of the pursuit of money that is ugly, unhealthy and stupid.  The feeling of being a member of a gifting tribe is based on the currency of internal harmony, security and freedom earned through sharing within a container of integrity.  I am simply describing the organization of humans into family and tribe as the original store of value before money was ever invented.  Life force always organizes along the same value proposition of free exchange within a container because that is the nature of the internal human organization.

If we can continue this journey from both above and below into an ever more harmonious and seamless exchange of time value without outside interference, humans will naturally create the perfect system.  This is our destiny and we will continue to be tested by those humans who cannot yet see what true value is and how it is properly exchanged.  

If our Creator and Sustainer both share their abundant light and life force freely on all alike then we humans can and should strive to be in alignment with the gift that Life is.  How can we let any set of humans interfere with the free exchange of intelligence and life force?  Our currency system must support this ideal by being free of manipulation and control.  A quick look at the cutting edge of technology and human psychology shows many humans are working hard to build this system already.


Collective Self Interest


The Gratitude of Human Existence