The Gratitude of Human Existence

I am writing this post on Thanksgiving morning.  Today we honor the people and the things we are grateful for.  A culture truly pausing to be grateful and then ritualizes it should be a healthy culture. And culture-wide events usually have an esoteric foundation that, when explored, can lead us to very valuable insights.

The feeling of gratitude creates its own aura of protection emanating from the emotional body.  Few people realize there is a magnetic field surrounding our body emanating from the heart and our emotional body. Just like the Earth has a magnetic field that shields us from coarse and harmful cosmic rays, we humans have a field (of emotional energy) that can prevent many negative thoughts from penetrating our field and becoming embedded in our mind.

Young children demonstrate how a strong emotional field infects not only themselves but the surrounding environment.  We might wonder how children can thrive energetically fueled by what is the worst food available i.e. french fries and cheese pizza.  Their little bodies can burn anything the same way their emotional bodies burn so hot they can burn up almost all inharmonious thoughts in their field.  What adults ruminate on and fixate upon in their minds are a function of the holes that life has punched in our personal magnetic field. 

But today is a day designed to remind us to be grateful and to hopefully re-inflate our protective emotional field with the vibration of deep gratitude.  These thought forms we would like to exorcise from our mind are often perpetuated by the feeling of owing or being owed.  In general, it is debts that keep us locked into a codependent debtor/creditor relationship.  

Our last cosmonomics post dealt with our debt to our Creator.  A human might think this is one debt we cannot escape. But actually, this debt is the easiest one to keep the books in balance….with gratitude.  We are endowed with the perfect biological equipment to perform our duty to Life.  It is easy enough for a small child to serve its created purpose naturally without exhaustion.  Because their emotional field is tuned to the frequency of gratitude.  If a fiery comet from the mouth or hand of an adult impacts they use the maximum amount of emotional energy to counter its disturbance and, with their emotions, restore their auric field.

If you also read and include in your understanding my last post on the citadel of the heart you will see the hero’s journey we are designed to walk as humans.  Childhood is meant to be naturally filled with wonder and innocence mainly to keep this place running harmoniously.  Adulthood is the soul accreting another life and another layer of understanding.  The spiritual journey and the death journey are the reconciliation of our life’s experience into Eternity.  

Cosmonomics gives us the understanding of our duty to the greater organization of the solar system and explains the need for pain-filled division and for the ecstasy of reunion and transcendence.  If we should be grateful for anything, we should be grateful for the rules of this game we call life on Earth.  Any judgment of how our world is organized, it’s evil and it’s good, is a limited human perspective that separates us from gratitude.  Today is the day to drop our judgments.

Here is a simple technique.  Close your eyes.  Bring into your mind’s eye the memory of some significant person or event or place that has the feeling of gratitude attached to it.  Plant this memory like a seed in your heart and activate it with your breath.  Let the memory and the conscious breath feed the joy-filled feeling emanating from your heart.  Within a few breaths, you are actually controlling the weather on your personal planet because you are living, not in your tiny mind, but in your entire biosphere.  You now have a thick atmosphere to burn up stray thoughts that attempt to enter your mind.

We are given the best tools to do the job we were created for.  We also have the creative power to screw it all up.  And we often do.  But today the invitation is to realize we have so much to be grateful for, if, our minds can drop the conflict and the division and the analysis and the judgment for a day.  At any moment you have the magical power to rule your entire biosphere from within.  Today, be the wise and grateful ruler of your tongue, your touch, and your expression.  It’s easy to rule your world, with gratitude.


The Currency of Life Force III


The Heart Citadel