The Heart Citadel

Our mind is a force that requires serious strategies of counterbalance and limitation.  Sleep is the most obvious and routine bodily process we use to break harmful patterns of excess and abuse.  Today we are going to discuss how our bodies create what is commonly known as our ego as a defensive perimeter around our heart to prevent the mind’s easy access to our stores of emotional and physical energy.  The heart citadel.

In cosmonomics we often discuss how our bodies store contradictions as reserve fuel in potentialized components to serve higher cosmic processes on demand.  This life cycle of creating, storing and reconciliation of the third force becomes a cycle we all tread once our hearts can no longer stay open to all the forces we are being asked to reconcile. 

Young children, the Chinese say, have a “hollow chest” meaning without ego fortifications around the heart.  Once an experience can no longer be reconciled through the heart, even with the wildest and most violent reactions children are prone to, the energy that could not be expelled becomes an internal brick of memorized sensation to be laid as a foundation stone in the ego wall around the heart.

The ego, seen in two dimensions, appears as a solid wall.  In three dimensions, the ego is a maze whose twists and turns are a historical pattern of the wounds in our life which makes any entry into our heart both a rutted path and a gauntlet to run. it’s not as though nothing can get into our treasury of emotions. In fact, we select for certain patterns to be a well-worn path.  The best way to dissolve scar tissue is to massage it to feel the pain and dissolve the memory while the best way to dissolve our ego is to repeat traumatic episodes from our original wounds in hopes of eventually dissolving them through understanding our life’s journey.

There is a whole ecosystem, with building and dissolving ego fortification techniques whose qualities and effectiveness track the lifecycle of a conscious life, a culture and a civilization.  A true doctor of civilization will look to the maze of ego contradictions, first, to resolve a person’s limp when walking or a pattern of speech when talking or a repetitive disempowering life choice.  These same rules apply for organized and perpetuated groups of humans from families to nations.

Everything that wants to live in the four dimensions (including time) must create a zero point to organize around.  The soul of a human and the ethos of a nation is its organizing force, which once discovered needs protection in its infancy.  As a child approaches puberty, it is the awakening to the soul’s calling to a particular set of lessons that begins the construction of the maze we call ego as the citadel around the heart and soul.  Similarly, as a larger organization of humans coalesces it needs its own stories told around the fire and in modern media as a sort of guide and gatekeeper around the zero point.

In old age, as an individual, we begin to reintegrate with Eternity by understanding and reconciling our ego patterns and separations.  As a larger organization of humans, we begin to initiate our successor.  Wisdom, as represented and earned by traveling the maze of our origin story, whether individual or civilization, is preserved and shared to ensure the strengthening and continuation of the soul, the ethos, and the zero point through time. 

The heart citadel is there to protect our only way home at the end of time.  As much as we might resist becoming adults, that is the journey we are tasked with here on Earth as humans.  We bare incredible contradictions within our minds, our hearts and our bodies because we were made to be the storehouses of the most precious substance in the universe.  Love and harmony is the human zero point.

We need our citadels as both protector and container of these divided components that recombine into the reconciling force.  The citadel of ego is made from these unreconciled contradictions as memorized sensations.  Transcendence at the end of time is relighting the fires of reconciliation within the heart we once carried as children.  But as adults, we have the wall and the maze of ego built through time to fuel as solid rocket boosters of our rocket ship back to our place of origin as heroes carrying home the fruits of our human journey.

Everything belongs here on Earth.  All the joy, all the suffering, and all the hiding from both behind our citadels of ego and separation.  Human life is the hero’s journey.  We are all asked to journey into the unknown to be “wounded”, to heal ourselves and to bring that wisdom home to our tribe.  The defense we set up to protect us when weak is also the trail of breadcrumbs leading us back home.  Our wounds are our gift…once we become our own hero and can revel in the entire journey.


The Gratitude of Human Existence


The Currency of Life Force II