Water Wise

Let’s have a look at water in the context of our cosmonomic view of the world.  The third force of division and reconciliation as studied by cosmonomics is intimately connected to the substance and characteristics of water.  

Water is a storage container of both memory and sensation.  The geometric bond angle of the two hydrogen atoms’ relation to the central oxygen determines the amount of sensation (or life force/anti-gravity) it contains.  Dead distilled water may have a bond angle as low as the high 90 degrees whereas fully activated water has a hydrogen bond angle of 108 degrees.  At this angle, geometrically water can only organize into crystalline structures. Think snowflakes.  Water geometrically organized into hexagonal structures is called structured water.

If we drink a glass of water from a pure mountain stream, it is already charged with life force.  If we drink distilled water then our own life force is used to restructure it into its highest energetic condition.  Inside our body, free-floating amino acids and other valuable compounds attract a protective shell of structured water to surround it.  Plants absorb water and nutrients from the soil and structure themselves in this way to package and hold life force.  Structured water is the container and the vehicle of life force.

Water also contains memory.  We have all heard of “Holy Water”, water transformed by prayer to contain a message or a purifying spirit. It’s memory.  Scientists have proven the human ability to transform the memory and structure of water for health or for ill depending upon the emotional state of the human energy that is coding it.  They can measure the harmony or disharmony imprinted upon water by flash-freezing the water and viewing it under a microscope.

Scientists are also developing water-based computers that use fluid dynamics to code water into the production of material substances.  Coded electrons (memory) are imprinted into water which changes its shape and function.  A Yogi in Tibet can stir a glass of water with his finger and make a magical elixir that is simply the lawful practice of mind over matter thru the medium of programmable water.

When we explore our solar system, we are always looking for water.  In the days of exploration, trade or warfare by coal-powered steamships, it was extremely important to have coaling stations spread throughout the world’s ocean ports for refueling.  Hydrogen and oxygen are the two components of rocket fuel and so we are always looking for water not just to look for life on other planets or to sustain life but also to keep us moving until we find the next “coaling station.”  One could ask if Earth is the coaling station for this part of the galaxy and a highly prized port for galactic travelers?  Cosmonomics teaches us that our bodies and our biosphere are a storehouse of third force to be called upon by Life’s demands.

What we humans can know and feel is the power of water to change our mood, to purify us and even to heal us depending on the water’s memory and level of sensation.  This is the passive state of allowing water to affect us.  To fully master being human on Earth requires us to also use our own consciousness to affect water.  The well-proven “placebo” effect is a naturally embedded ability of magical transmutation.  Not of a sugar pill but of the internal waters of our own body being coded by the power of our mental and emotional belief to restore health and vitality.

Many indigenous tribes learned to use this same placebo effect mechanism to affect the local biosphere and its weather.  Praying for rain is as powerful or as weak as the human understanding of the human connection to the life force contained within water. If we can affect the water inside our own body then being in connection with the greater body of the biosphere can give us the power to affect its waters too.

To begin to take control of your own life force, think about the memory and sensation contained in your own internal waters.  Water is a magical substance and either we are programming it and charging it or someone else is.  Meditation is the stilling of the internal waters and reprogramming them to a more peaceful and harmonious state. 

The alignment of mind and breath upon your own waters is the quintessential medicine of a sovereign life.  To be your own king of your given kingdom, be water wise.


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