Conscious Suffering

Our modern world is built upon and guided by convenience while our inner world is built upon and guided by suffering. Quite a contradiction, but very true. Most of us know the term “trust fund baby” not as complement but as the prediction of a “shit show”. The lack of suffering shielded by excess wealth, never struggling for food or even too many hot showers and too much central HVAC has done something to the human animal. And it is not healthy.

In the 1960's, a scientist named John Calhoun created a "mouse utopia" where populations of mice would enjoy everything they needed, without effort and certainly no suffering. The mice were provided unlimited food, water, living space and population growth without predators. Within just 4 years, the entire population had collapsed into a cesspool of transgenderism, pedophilia, violence and social collapse. And it turns out that humans, just like mice, need challenge and work and, yes, to suffer.

Nature has suffering designed into the system. Salmon are challenged with an incredibly hard task of swimming upstream to spawn the next generation. For most animals there is no possibility of escaping their suffering. Not humans. With a mixture of inventiveness and collectivizing humans have the ability to avoid suffering and our modern world could be seen as an extremely effective screen against every discomfort. But is the modern human thriving?

All the latest and best therapies against aging involve fasting, ice baths, oxygen deprivation, etc. All are forms of conscious suffering which the “cutting edge” science are proving to remind us that there is no true progress without some type of hard work or suffering. And hard work, mentally chosen, with the support of our emotional body is the trifecta known as conscious suffering. A practical magic with transforming power.

Imagine Jesus Christ was drug to the cross with him wailing and rejecting every moment of his torture and crucifixion. There would be no magic and transformational ability for him or for history in that act or that story. On the contrary, knowing and living at the zero point within our heart while at the same time accepting the outer world’s contradictions is the definition of conscious suffering and is the transmutational effect at the foundation of cosmonomics.

Conscious suffering is a reconciling and a magical force that can bend and shape reality just like it bends and shapes the trajectory of an aging human or an aging civilization. This weekend I am participating in a Native American peyote ceremony which involves (at it’s most extreme) kneeling on bare ground while singing and praying from sunset to sunrise. The ritualizing of conscious suffering is found world wide by all whole and lasting cultures.

Worship always started as some type of lawful exchange with the cosmos through the zero point because this is how an individual, a tribe and a culture stay in harmony with Life. The indigenous people of North America established practices which challenged each member of the tribe to consciously suffer in order to transmute the contradictions of life into the substance of harmony. Whereas, many cultures ritualized the suffering upon the few and the innocent as in the Christ, the virgin maiden or the scapegoat.

Our explorations into cosmonomics are built upon the human force of conscious suffering. Having all three centers of mind, body and heart in alignment to face any challenge is the only effective way to evolve. Nature on Earth has challenge built into the design as the mechanism to ensure the healthy growth of the human animal. Cosmic forces overlay upon Nature benefits to humans gathering into cooperative and competing tribes. Nature has an idealized human as its goal. Cosmos has an idealized humanity as its goal.

Cosmonomics teaches us that harmony is a substance the human animal is forced to produce by Nature. The most resilient and the most reconciled human wins the game of Life. That works for the animal part of being human, but does not satisfy our spiritual self that comes from the stars. The game the cosmos has set for humanity is assembling groups of humans into culture and civilizations that, by group action, finds the value and the magic of conscious suffering to change eternity, for the betterment of man, Nature and God.

A single human exploring the edges of reality and humanity is dangerous to himself and to humanity. All psychopaths are born in isolation from humanity. Conscious suffering in a tribe for a greater purpose is our defense against inhumanity and our pathway to the stars


Bedtime for Washington II


Collective Self Interest