Federal Governance under Bioadministration

I just attended a convention of independent parties attempting to harmonize their unique offerings for change into a unified message… and a slate of candidates I assume.  I am agnostic as to whether change comes from a Donald Trump, an RFK Jr. or a Tulsi Gabbard. All are excellent change agents with their own human strengths and weaknesses.  Bioadministration transcends every ideology, personality and position.

What we have today is a competition to hold the reigns of power of a political entity whose greatest value these last several decades has been to initiate its successor(s).  Like a father initiates his son or sons to eclipse himself, Washington’s tiring arrogance and incompetence has forced new leadership upon the world stage and at this point even a world war cannot restore the United States to being the pre-eminent leader of humanity.  I saw this inevitability over twenty years ago and therefore have focused my interest, not on who is elected, but the system by which we will govern ourselves again, after the reboot.

The human body, heart, mind has the perfect power sharing arrangement and its application to human organizations, large and small, I call bioadministration.  Today, there is this obvious and growing distrust between Washington and the people because the soul of the nation, its “child” and purpose to exist, is fractured.  A human in this condition is on the verge of a healing crisis because the body, heart and mind cannot and will not accept this state of disharmony.  How does a human harmonize itself? Let’s start with regular sleep.

The mind is a voracious user of energy and attention. It needs to be to learn and grow and effect change.  So should our greater mind, our government.  This type of organized commitment is only possible when the body is set completely free for rest and self repair each night in sleep.  The mind’s ability to dominate is also fully supported when the soul and the heart of the nation is in resonance with the direction of the mind’s attention, even obsession.  Free and fair elections has been our method of ensuring the willpower of the people is aligned with direction our government is steering us. 

Many people say our federal government has too much power.  Bioadministration says our government is relatively powerless because of how it is structured.  (Except the power to kill its host due to being tired and blind.)  No human can operate for long without putting the mind to sleep.  And no human can stay truly alive if the mind cannot bow down regularly to listen to the soul, the heart and the purpose of the life the mind is a tool of.  Today our federal government is sleep walking and directionless, and therefore, easily abused and manipulated.

The first reform of a bioadministration is to establish discrete periods of activity and rest.  Two thirds awake and one third asleep. Two years active, one year at complete rest.  In order to facilitate the complete shutdown of the federal government for a year means that all routine functions of governance must be pushed back down to the appropriate level of decentralization. A people given the ability to rest from taxation, manipulation and excitation from an overactive and reactive government breaks the cycle of drama and irresolvable problems our own tired minds are subject to.

The periodic and complete rest of the mind is also the opportunity for our heart’s conscience to review our actions of the previous day in the onset of sleep and in the morning hours to arise with renewed mission in re-alignment with our soul’s purpose while waiting for the morning coffee to kick in.  Ideally our heart can get our attention throughout the day no matter how focused the mind but that comes with age and wisdom, and frankly, scar tissue.

Imagine a government that could harness the will and heartfelt commitment of its people.  It happens in war and in extremis, why not at peace and at play and in everyday activity?  It cannot happen until there is a re-division and a restoration of the power and authority in each of the three centers of life.  A body of people must be empowered by periods of rest, not driven by oppression in a state of constant exhaustion.  

The soul that resides in the nucleus of every cell is the morphogenic field of the organism itself like the magnetic field of Earth.  This field controls the level of harmony and therefore the secretion of differing catalysts and enzymes to maintain a peaceful homeostasis.  A mind and a government must be subject to the same field that is the spirit of that organism of which it is a vital and important third.  Not a tyrant.

I am confident bioadministration will be the organization of humanity at some point. Why? Because the human blueprint is the winner on Earth.  Every ethical challenge has already been resolved, inside us.  And one day we will enjoy our hard won evolution fully applied within our human tribe.


Constitution of the Americas


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