Constitution of the Americas

The Case

The mortal problem with republics is their fall to corruption.  The mortal problem with democracies is their fall to indulgence.  The United States’ representative democracy is upon the dual convergence of maximum corruption and maximum indulgence.  This circling the drain of failed political systems can be most painfully felt with the blatant abuse of the Constitution’s Bill of Rights, arguably the heart of our commitment to self governance.  It was the addition of the first ten amendments that gave comfort and commitment to our founding fathers draft constitution and birthed our nation. It was the addition of the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments that healed our civl war.

With this current crisis, not only are our own citizens in shock from this fall from grace, but the entire world has lost respect for America and with it hope for a world founded upon liberty and citizen governance. No rational human, but a psychopath, can but regret this loss of the rule of law the U.S. Constitution provided our humanity. The potential loss of liberty and citizen government in America is a world wide issue and it’s restitution is a world wide prayer.

Every crisis is also an opportunity as our political leaders have amply displayed in recent decades. The people can harness crisis too. A near death experience is always, at least, the wake up call and, in fullness, is the opportunity to reset the founding agreements of our civilization.  Therefore, I propose not just a recommitment to our original founding agreements enshrined within the Constitution and the Bill of Rights but a counter-attack by the people for the people that grows our founding ethos from expansion by time, by geography and by enforcement.

Expansion by Time

A fundamental value of the enshrinement of rules is to give a permanent memory of a crisis and its resolution to prevent its recurrence over time.  This most often happens after a war when the memory is fresh and the wound is not yet healed or forgotten.  The original Bill of Rights grew out of the experiences of the Revolutionary War and the reasons it was necessary to fight.  The American Civil War spawned the 13th-15th amendments to abolish slavery and expand human rights.  Problem. Reaction. Solution.

The Second World War ended with the Nuremberg Trials and many Nazis hung by their necks for their crimes acknowledged for the entire world to see and learn from.  The Nuremberg Code spawned from this experience included a prohibition of forced medical procedures. The experience of COVID is a slap in the face we should be awakened by and ask ourselves “How did we not include the Nuremberg Code into our Constitution?”.  It is time to fix this error by constitutional amendment.

And time goes in two directions, past and future.  There is an issue in our near future that threatens every person and every restraint upon government.  Artificial Intelligence, autonomous armed drones and non-human law enforcement.  Prohibition by constitutional amendment must come before this technology is rolled out or there is no more guarantee of human freedom by citizen action.

Expansion by Geography

In a globalized economy, living next to or doing business with peoples who are not free puts pressure upon the freer party to conform.  This is provably true with environmental and labor standards and observably true with pressures for immigration.  In short, infectious political policy is something we preach about in spreading democracy yet rarely do we see and apply proscriptive policy universally free of geopolitics or as a layered defense of our own way of life.  That must change.

A true people’s movement that resets the foundations of individual rights and freedoms within our American democratic system has both the self interest and the idealistic interest to share its system with its closest neighbors and economic partners or the infection of their less free system will bleed into and weaken us.  In the past, this imbalance of freedom was advantage to America’s growth in population and in the beneficial organization of our open competitive economics between sovereign individuals.  Those advantages are now outweighed by competition with authoritarian systems that steal our intellectual property, pollute our planet, enslave their people and manipulate their fiat currency.

Therefore, a commitment to our ideals of government by and for the people must begin to both encourage and invite the expanded adoption of our commitment to freedom (as expressed by our constitution) to our closest neighbors and economic partners. We must proscribe against doing economic trade or political alliance with political entities that do not respect their people’s freedom. No more bypassing people’s rights for geopolitical advantage.  Only economic and political pressure arising from the true and founding soul of our nation and its Constitution determining who we will do business with and who we will invite into our defense arrangements.

A Constitution of the Americas can restore our founding history of inspiration to all peoples and again add its moral authority of true partnership and brotherhood with all humans worldwide that aspire to align their governance with human freedom.

Expansion by Enforcement

How will the United States save itself from the forces eroding our civil rights today?  A corrupt oligarchy and an indulgent demography that have fed upon the wealth of our nation for decades will not just go gently into the night or the light.  Our justice system has been captured by ideological and institutional agendas based upon profit and power.  That power and that profit is the people’s to give and to withdraw.

Going back to the crisis that corruption and indulgence have laid at our doorstep, to expect or depend upon using the system itself to reform itself is delusional.  A new vector of force in response to the loss of our liberties must arise.  It must come from the people themselves in agreement with each other irrespective of institutional support or prevention.  It must use its moral authority as its greatest force and invitation.

A Constitution of the Americas advocacy organization should be established with metrics and rankings of governments, politicians, corporations and individuals as to their adherence to our expanded Bill of Rights. Boycotts of organizations and shunning of individuals with expanding public support through all media and economic platforms can be a powerful enforcement mechanisms.

Lawsuits against offenders and public disclosure of prosecutors and judges that are violating our laws can, over time, be the safest and surest method of enforcement.  Trail by jury of cases brought by our government against those citizens standing up for our civil liberties can, through verdicts of not guilty, set free our freedom fighters from government oppression.

If the people can band together in co-empowerment we can use non-compliance and public pressure to ignore and redirect the efforts of even a national police.  We the people can give every “public servant” a yelp score assessable instantaneously upon any interaction.  If, in response, our government attempts to replace humans with a conscience by machines, any property crime against any attempt to establish and use machine based law enforcement is automatically forgiven and even encouraged to state without reservation that no robot has any power or authority over a human.


The nature of a republic’s corruption and a democracy’s indulgence makes a deep cleansing not just inevitable but also desirable even if it is painful to suffer.  A bout of serious illness has great ability to both cleanse and reinvigorate a culture.  It is imperative in the depths of any illness to refocus upon and cling to truth, beauty and life.  Having a loud and proud advocacy during national distress and revival for the essential agreements that formed our nation and a vehicle for the proud expression of the American rebirth will be best and safest when centered upon our expanded Bill of Rights and Constitution.

As an integral part of a campaign message and promised reform in partnership with a stand alone organization of advocacy, the Constitution of the Americas is a vehicle for the rebirth of the American compact of government by and for the people.  For the entire world to see a renewed dedication and commitment by the American people to liberty and self governance backed by our economic access and security guarantees will redirect the course of human life on Earth towards liberty and freedom for all humans.


Psychology, Zero Point and Cosmonomics


Federal Governance under Bioadministration