Psychology, Zero Point and Cosmonomics

The modern discipline of psychology explores debilitating patterns of thought and actions based upon emotionally charged memories within the human and attempts to relieve them.  Cosmonomics explains why these charged memories exist and their proper resolution.  An introduction of these two sciences to each other will enhance our understanding of both.

To begin, we remind ourselves of a core understanding of division for cosmonomics and its consequence for psychology.  Contradictions within the mind and emotional blockages (ego) made from past dramatic memories are the mother’s milk of psychology.  They are also a potential energy kept in dynamic tension like a guitar string tuned to play a discreet note when plucked.  This music of the human drama is a cause and effect the cosmos plays and also depends upon to function.

The greater body of the solar system plays human emotional expression for a purposeful and desired effect that is the foundation of the science of cosmonomics.  We are fractured by design and walking into psychotherapy without knowing the objective landscape we exist within leads one to self blame for their human condition. If psychotherapy does not understand the cosmonomic purpose for division and reconciliation then it has a very limited power to actually resolve any issues for the individual human.

The key to the crossover between psychology and cosmonomics is their common destination. The zero point.  Whether psychology is focused upon the mind or the heart there is only one destination for the reconciliation of any of our divisions. The zero point at the center of the heart.  And this portal through which soul material passes back and forth is under conscious control by what some religions have anthropomorphized as Satan and Jesus. If there is a single fact where  cosmonomics can benefit psychology, this is it.

The human psyche is fractured, not by accident, but by design.  The enshrinement of our personal uniqueness due to the fracturing of our unified soul into crystalized memorized sensations is not something that therapy can effectively resolve without a deeper understanding of cosmic purpose to humanity.  That there is a demand function upon humanity from the zero point controlled by a non-human force is necessary for psychology to embrace.

Mirroring the same cosmic force attracting human reconciliation into the zero point is the only way to resolve any division within a human.  Capturing and collapsing the attention focused upon at fracturing memory from the mind into the heart center with breath, inner touch and love simulates the attractive force at the center of the vortex just outside the zero point.  Psychology may lead us to this place or the cosmos may come calling for this same reconciliation.

So evil and good are demystified into division and reconciliation.  The mystery lies in who or what is controlling the amplitude of transmission of the back and forth flow to the zero point.  Cosmonomics states humanity on Earth is living inside of a greater Life we must serve the way the cells of our liver respond to our human choices.  We cannot know what is triggering humanity any more than our liver knows the time and choice of our next meal to digest.

So acceptance we are not broken, but charged by design for a greater purpose is step one.  Second, humanity can be forced into reconciliation by a greater force for a greater purpose.  Here psychotherapy, or any traditional spiritual work to keep our heart center and access to the zero point open and clear of excess charge is valuable.

Watch how children process and reconcile their external surroundings with intense emotions easily expressed and easily cleared is like a well tuned sports car engine.  This is the silver standard.  The gold standard to be an adult on the outside, containing the overt excess expression, while feeling the intensity of a child and letting it all flow freely into the zero point.  The true heart warrior/saint.

Third, stop giving power to evil or that which is taboo and stop thinking there is no Christ within you.  We all have the same equipment installed.  Don’t let yours be hijacked by media, church or state.  There are nearly eight billion separate portals that psychology and cosmonomics has the duty to keep sovereign and clear for our humanity to remain as connected to true higher power and true purpose as possible.


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