Cosmonomic Tools for These Times

Chicago has just doubled down on stupid by electing an even more radical mayor.  Our former President has been indicted on ridiculous charges during an active campaign to be re-elected. A transgender adult has assassinated Christian children.  War in Ukraine. Surrounding China with military assets. Pipelines blown up. Toxic trains derailing weekly. Atmospheric rivers flooding California.  Banks and Earth’s magnetic field collapsing. WTF? Are we going insane? Or being stress tested?

“These are the times that try men’s souls” it has been written about another time of human suffering.  Just in the last century we could name a dozen or more cataclysms from pandemic to world war to economic depression to civilizational collapse from which we Americans have mostly been spared.  As the most childlike and creative culture of humans with our ability to adapt and change, we Americans in our island fortress have thrived the most through these mysterious visitations of chaos and disorder.

Like children are able to transmute lesser foods and accidents into playful expressions, we Americans, as a young and vibrant nation constantly adding new freedom seekers from all races have been able to ride on top of these periodic waves of chaos.  The principals of cosmonomic transmutation have been our friend.  Ready tools we wielded instinctually by our youthful nature.  Are we about to sink below the waves of chaos? Will we take the world down with us?

Over twenty years ago, I wrote in The New Code

“If we cling to the old code, cosmic forces that church and state no longer understand,

will cause a reboot in the West along the same lines of China and Russia in the 20th

century.”  pg. 15

Well, we certainly stayed married to the old way of empire since I wrote those words in 2001.  And we find ourselves facing numerous forces wanting to take America down and to control its rebirth in their image.  My antidote for this prediction then, and this reality facing us now, is the same.  Cosmonomics.

Whether we are in an argument with our lover or at war with our enemy, cosmonomics says there is always a middle way where everyone can win.  Life on Earth is, above all else, divisions of a divine whole.  Which means the two opposing sides of every conflict are just two halves of a greater harmony and a greater whole.  The catalyst for reconciliation is the magnet of love and harmony that will be produced in the reunion of the division.

These apparent cycles of chaotic energy we find ourselves in again today are planetary as they were for China and Russia last century.  Those cultures were the weakest and therefore the chaos fell upon them the hardest.  Higher levels of Life that regulate Earth’s biospheric battery of potential reconciling force do not necessarily target a certain culture for “reboot”.  The third, reconciling force is wildly creative as it is restored to wholeness from division.  Even the angels cannot predict how we humans will react under the pressure to reconcile.  But we humans are not helpless milk cows, unless we abandon our true humanity.

The human superpower is the task, the purpose and the ability to literally re-member God from division back into wholeness through the process all great teachers demonstrated as love’s reconciliation within the human heart.  The remembrance of God is the force of harmony that keeps everything living from plankton to solar systems and galaxies alive.

What does this mean for we humans?  We are not powerless before the chaos raining down upon humanity.  When we stay in the fire.  When we breathe into the feeling.  When we love our life.  When we forgive the divisions afflicting our fellow men. We are representatives of our Creator’s desire to be alive and in harmony.  We can tap into the wellspring of reconciling force that is God’s treasure chest.

The “peace that surpasses all understanding” is a destination with a magnetic force no less powerful than gravity or light.  Every living human is already wired into the memory of God as One.  We lived there as children.  Cosmonomic transmutation was our nature.  It still is….and the trials we see today are just a calling and a prodding back to remember our true nature.

So don’t freak out.  Find your heart center where you lived as a child.  Warrior's live there too.


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