Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

A Cosmonomic Cure for Cancer

My last post described cancer in terms of an irreconcilable contradiction expressed in words as “I’ve got to, but I can’t”.  This type of trapped internal state is compulsive, coercive and corrosive to our life force.  It also sends us off at death with a tension in our soul which is very hard to wash away. This creation will not stand for such compromise to human life and death.  Cancer is one solution.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz


Every positive attribute of the human three body system has a negative counterpart.  Thoughts can kill.  Emotions can suffocate.  Cells can adopt their own alien agenda.  This fact is exactly why life has designed a three body system of independent powers with built in routine maintenance and emergency powers.  Life force can be withdrawn from thoughts and emotions every night and every cell has it own embedded program of apoptosis, or suicide.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

The Cancer Problem

One of the most challenging dilemmas for the implementation of bioadministration is also a huge dilemma for the body and our immune system.  Namely, how to deal with cancerous cells and how to deal with cancerous ideologies.  There is a very famous treatise on cancer called The King of All Maladies, an aptly named description of how powerfully this disease haunts humanity.  Rarely does modern medicine look at the disease of cancer in the body as an ideology, but the civilizational war between ideology and ethics is well described by looking at the malady of cancer.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Apoptosis Versus Cancer

When living within a diseased organization with no possibility of escape there are several critical soul-level decisions that must be made.  The first major choice is whether to wake up to the fact there is a problem at all.  Humans are especially adaptable to long-term suffering.  We make great hamsters on a wheel, and once in a set pattern and motion, we have a tremendous capacity to apply our focused willpower in any trained direction.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Defeating Cancers and Protecting Against Harmful Citadelization

The study of cancer as a dis-ease can be useful in also studying one leg of our triad, citadelization.  Each leg of our triad needs its own self-regulation or limitation that must be enforced by the other legs of the triad. For example, citadelization naturally and rightly opposes the centralization of power within bioadministration and the mind every night through sleep. What force prevents excessive citadelization with humans losing their connection to the whole? What if cells losing their systemic purpose start hiding in masses and packs who want to remain alive but find no common purpose with the life that is sustaining them?  Sounds a lot like historical falls of civilization, things we are seeing in the outer world, and also like the symptoms of cancer and its growth.

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