Apoptosis Versus Cancer

When living within a diseased organization with no possibility of escape there are several critical soul-level decisions that must be made.  The first major choice is whether to wake up to the fact there is a problem at all.  Humans are especially adaptable to long-term suffering.  We make great hamsters on a wheel, and once in a set pattern and motion, we have a tremendous capacity to apply our focused willpower in any trained direction.

But even with this innate ability to suffer, we humans can open up doubt about a path being followed even as we physically walk along it.  All the other humans around us may be perfectly adapted to the mission, good or bad, but our minds have the ability to have rebellious thoughts and an individual consciousness.  Cults of any power and duration are very sensitive to any level of questioning or other mental rebellion and are quick to develop methods of disciplining and expelling radicals.  Ant mounds do too.

Once you lift your head up to see reality and that small voice inside your heart says “this sucks” then the second decision must be faced.  Does one consciously agree to the organization’s disease to become cancerous and join the tumor?  Or conversely, to remain sovereign is a form of suicide that at the level of an individual human cell is called apoptosis.  Every cell has its own “cyanide capsule” to swallow if captured by the enemy.  Death versus any possibility of compromise with the enemy.  Two bad choices.  Join the enemy or die.

In Ayn Rand’s seminal novel called Atlas Shrugged  she romanticized the third option of escaping to a high-tech mountain hideout with other critical members of society whose absence would cause the organization itself to fail first.  We too can romanticize about moving to Costa Rica to check out of the system assuming the system’s organization and money will remain intact to support our escape.  Another dream.

No. There is no new land to escape to. There is no easy escape from this complex and comforting economic system. It’s comply or die.  Every time we pay our income taxes we are choosing to feed the tumor.  But what happens as our governing ethos keeps making more and more choices, like going to war, opening its borders and debasing the currency revealing more and more we are living inside our own mass death cult?  What if we are dead either way?  Is apoptosis versus cancer simply a choice of timing and bravery?

One of the last of the formerly free Native American chiefs confined to a reservation was quoted as saying “my first and only choice today is, do I live or die?”  His perfectly designed culture based on citadelization was replaced with a culture where the only choice was the timing and bravery of when and how to die.  Our chief knew he was already dead.

The moral of the story and the purpose of this blog post is to remind my readers that once we abandon citadelization as the counterbalance against corruptible organizations then we are already dead and there is only the form of death we can choose, suicide or compliance with a cozy death cult.  Our cells are coded to apoptosis and suicide rather than becoming the enemy within.  We, humans, are not so noble or brave and we love to play follow the leader until it is too late.   

Nuclear families are becoming optional and quaint.  Nomadic tribes are at the base of the civilizational life cycle to be evolved from. Right?  Government can do and be all these functions?  For how long? If you were living in central Europe during the last century, would you choose the real history of world wars and depression and hyperinflation and famine or, if you could, go back to being organized into small mobile tribes?

Our own bodies have learned that centralized control within the mind is a short-term proposition and willing daytime adventure only if the mind can be put to sleep and disempowered enough to listen to the quiet voice of conscience each evening and morning.  Perhaps humanity has also come to this realization too in the past.  Perhaps our modern history of technological development is just another peak experience in the long history of humanity and we will remember how and why our three centers of mind, heart and body share power.  And return there.

Of course, this straw man of apoptosis versus cancer was only to point out that there is no real choice.  Once we leave the balanced civilizational structure modeled upon a foundation of citadelization we are already trapped and committed to another cycle of death.  

At the point of choosing to allow our group mind to become our permanent ruler, our humanity is already dead.  


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