Astrology and Cosmonomics

Our reality itself is built around a core vortex swirling at higher frequency and with more harmony of motion circling a dimensional doorway called the zero point.  The science of cosmonomics studies consequences, does analysis and predicts outcomes based upon a human-centered view of this fundamental cosmic economy surrounding the zero point with human life on Earth as a critical method of regulation and fine control of the entire solar system.

If these statements are objectively true, then any and all unexplained mysteries on Earth should be able to be reconciled into this one understanding.  One such long standing mystery with many proponents due to experience and faith with also many detractors due to there being no observable or theoretic mechanism based in science is astrology.  Today, I will marry astrology and cosmonomics and therefore make both stronger through this reconciliation.

How can the movement and position of planetary bodies affect human tendencies? This is the core principle of astrology.  What if we make a reversal of consciousness and also explore how human actions on Earth affect the planets?  Without denying any of the massive experience of human-studied astrology, it does stop in understanding and purpose of how and why the planets affect humans while cosmonomics completes the loop of human effect upon the planets.

We will start with a brief review of the three body problem, namely, the only reliable solution to the challenge of three bodies attempting to find a stable harmony using only the force of gravity is to eject one of the bodies beyond the force of gravity allowing the two remaining bodies to become locked in a harmonious dyad. Now expand this irresolvable three body problem to the ten body problem of our solar system much less the asteroid belt or the Oort cloud surrounding the solar system with each of those layers having countless celestial bodies that somehow stay locked into stable orbits.

The only possible solution, outside of one in many trillions chance of a random accidental cause of our stable solar order, is some harmonizing force beyond gravity.  We could posit a grand design of our Creator and the fact that this is a lawful universe does prove an intelligent design to discover.  But we also observe other solar systems that look nothing like ours and we have many random, lost celestial bodies flying across the galaxy not gravitationally locked with anything. A grand design of order has variability and randomness.  We call it being alive.

If we look inside our own three body system of mind, heart and body it to is prone to conflict and disturbance that does age us and eventually kicks us out of life.  We also have at least temporarily conquered the three body problem through, first, a quasi-gravitational order with cycles of awake and sleep for locking our three centers into one organization. But it is the fine control accomplished via biochemistry which allows the human organization to maintain homeostasis through chemical intervention within the various organs of the body working together as one living organism. 

Therefore, the only way to solve the three body problem without losing a body is to become alive as the intelligent force with the assistance of fine chemical intervention capable of restoring harmony and homeostasis.  If true, then logically our ten+ body solar system must be alive and have its own intelligent capability of intervention to each of the celestial bodies for the restoration of solar homeostasis.  Cosmonomics posits that humanity’s cosmic purpose with the assistance of Earth’s biosphere is to absorb cosmic disturbances and transmute them into harmony. (See my many other writings for backup)

So cosmonomics says a living solar system must have method(s) of fine control and an astrology says that the planets affect human tendency and human action.  This is a symbiotic process of cosmic disturbances and natural cyclical tension between various planetary bodies sending signals throughout the solar body that require buffering, transmutation and harmonization.  The planets signal a disturbance within the greater body (astrology) and the solar body responds (cosmonomics) to restore homeostasis and harmony.

Much is made in astrology of the position of the planets at the time of your human birth. This dated placement and tension within the solar order becomes a deep imprinting within your life’s journey.  Each human birth is a special antidote to this cyclical solar tension and cosmonomics is the science of how to ground and store these tensions and how to transmute them back into harmony. 

Psychology is the science that applies cosmonomics to the unique human circumstances of the conditions of your birth beyond those of astrology.  Each human’s personal cross to bare is another aspect of cosmonomics that will be the subject of another post.  Today we have tied into our understanding the greater forces of planetary alignment, cosmic disturbance and objective responsibility humanity has for being alive on Earth.

Our thousands of years of nightly celestial observation long before we could load our own personal disturbances from the collective unconscious upon Netflix was a more innocent time for humanity to be in close relationship with the heavens.  From that clean, feedback loop we discovered how the planets affected humans and called it astrology.  Now with modern science and our ability to understand how our own smaller living system stays alive we can see the microcosm within the macrocosm of humanity’s effects upon the solar system and complete the feedback loop between humanity and the cosmos.  

Astrology and cosmonomics are one.


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